39 💔 HURT & HEAL💝

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Oh no!!!
It's not what you are thinking. It's EXACTLY what you all are doubting....the creaking sound of squeaked bed, getting enhanced by two horny people pushing & pulling.

the creaking sound of squeaked bed, getting enhanced by two horny people pushing & pulling

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After, WANGJI, QING and YANLI were gone

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After, WANGJI, QING and YANLI were gone. The rest of the people too left soon. But two people kept staying and drinking. They drank till they had no idea of the surrounding. Then they staggered supporting each other, to a spare room with bed next to the main office and got rid of every single artificial object in their bodies. And pounced on each other like hungry lion.

And since then, all around the Huge, Quite LAN office, only Squeaking sound, Moaning sound, Ecstatic Screaming sound, Lewd Noises, Sex Curses, Sex Swearing and everything related to Sex could be heard in every language of the world. British English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Korean, Hindi, Urdu, Arabic and what not.

One would think sex language class is going on.

"Oh, baby. You so good, Aaaaaaahhhhhh, Faster...harder! mámame la verga"

"Papá, cógeme! Mmmnnnnnn, just like that"

"Metelo en el culo, eat it up whole with your arse. "

"Suces moi beauté" !

"Me ravir"

And it went on and on...... Whole night, until they slumped up, spent to the core. Next morning a smiling, happy CHEN hugged YANG.

"Mnnnnnn, ma tiger...Good morning, hon........"

But wait a sec.....

"Baby, why am feeling wet and sticky....down there"

"Cause you have had SEX.....Sweetheart...."

💕 𝑪𝑶𝑵𝑻𝑹𝑨𝑪𝑻𝑼𝑨𝑳 𝑴𝑨𝑹𝑹𝑰𝑨𝑮𝑬 💞Where stories live. Discover now