Not so Bad

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After getting away from the police, we somehow manged not to be seen. "That was so much fun!" Toga exclaims. 

"You're quite annoying sometimes." You say sarcastically. 

"Oh come on, you know you had fun. I wish we could have made blood spill." Toga responds. Why does she like blood so much?  We continue walking when I suggest something.

 "Want to head to my place? I still have to get food." Toga nods her head. 

"I'm glad our friendship prevails!" Toga says. I chuckle lightly. We soon arrive at my temporary home and I lead her inside. 

"Nobody should be able to find us here. If for some reason someone does, give me a call." I hand her my phone number on a piece of paper. "Okay! See you soon, bestie!" Toga says to me. I grab some spare cash and head to the grocery store. 

I put on my hood and mask. However, I can still use my quirk if I need to. The thing is, it only keeps the victim paralyzed for approximately ten minutes. 

Toga's POV

I still don't know her real name, only her villain name. Maybe if I could find an identification of some sorts I could figure it out. I start looking for any clues to what her name could be when I see she left her bat here. "Not a knives person." I say to nobody. Picking up the bat, I see scratches on it's black exterior. I flip it over and see a name barely visible. Y/n L/n is what I could make out in the dim lighting. Y/n L/n, that's a pretty name. She must be my age to have the stamina and intelligence she has. We could be besties! Me taking her blood, it's going to be so much fun. I pick up my knives, preparing the first blood exchange when I feel a pang in my chest. Regret? Fear? What could it be? I set my knives down and open her black backpack.

I pull out a sketchbook and flip through its pages, scribbles and doodles covering the pages. I was about to put it away when a page falls out. I pick it up and immediately impressed by her artistic abilities. It was a drawn picture of The League. 

That's so sweet! It  was drawn yesterday too!  I smile and put it away. That's when she arrives carrying a couple bag of groceries. I jump towards her and give her a huge hug. "Hi!" I say to her. 

"Hello." she responds. I notice she was quite pale and had a couple of cuts. There was blood seeping through her striped shirt. Surprisingly, I didn't want blood to spill from her. I must be sick or something. 

"What happened to you?" I asked her. 

"I got mugged, I was able to paralyze the guy but got stabbed in the process." She responds. She limps over to a drawer and pulls out some bandages. Lifting up her shirt, she starts cleaning the cuts. "Sorry that I have to do this in front of you." She says. 

"It's okay!" I respond in my usual tone. "Hey, is your real name Y/n L/n?" I ask her. Her eyes widened and she took a pocketknife out, holding it to my throat.

 Holding it to my throat, she speaks in her best ability. "Don't EVER mention that name in my presence ever again, unless you have a death wish." I nod, not affected with the knife to my throat. She pulls away and immediately topples over. I'm assuming from blood loss. I take the pocketknife out of her hands and pick her up. Putting her on the bed, I clean and bandage her cuts. She looks so cute when she's asleep! I can't wait to become her! It would be so much fun posing as the famous Rogue! Another pang in my chest hits me. I, for some reason want her safe. Why? I've only known her for two days. Whatever, I need sleep myself. I yawn and head over to a chair and and curl up on it. I immediately fall asleep. 

3rd Person POV 

Y/n woke up approximately an hour later to see Toga sleeping peacefully on the chair nearby. She noticed the bandages around her abdomen. Smiling, she gets up and picks Toga up bridal style and puts her on the bed. It was around summer so she didn't need a blanket. Picking up the grocery bags, she carries them to the hotel kitchen. Luckily the electricity doesn't go out. She pulls out a pan and ingredients. She makes sushi. Dishing it up, she goes to wake up Toga. 

Maybe she isn't so bad after all.  

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