Young Love

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3rd Person POV

After you and Toga dropped off Riku, you and Toga decided to take a midnight stroll. Sitting on the swings at a nearby park, you looked at Toga with your peripheral vision, she seemed to be nervous about something but you couldn't put your finger on it. You were nervous as well, you were planning to confess your feelings to Toga.

Toga's POV

What if Y/n doesn't see me like that? Sure we have a close bond but I don't want to lose that. I guess I've come to terms with the fact that I like Y/n. I'm planning on confessing. Although, she looks nervous about something. Would it be immaturity to assume that she was nervous about confessing to me? If that's the case I'll do it first. "Hey Y/n," I call out to her. 

"What's up?" She questions. I took a deep breath. 

"I have feelings for someone, but I don't know how to tell them." I say. Y/n looked heartbroken. 

"Well, I have the same problem. What are they like?" She gave me a fake smile. I decided to go with it for now. 

"They're kind, beautiful, intelligent, and loyal. They have a troubled past and I'd like to help them succeed with the League." 

Y/n smiled. "I'm glad you do. So, who's the lucky person?" I blush and look away. 

"It's you. I really like you, Y/n." When I turned back I saw Y/n smiling wider. 

"I like you too Toga, maybe even love you. You're amazing in every way and I hope I can be your girlfriend." Y/n said. I smiled and hugged her. "You should've confessed sooner, silly!" I tell her. She chuckles. 

"I was afraid that you didn't like girls, I also didn't want to ruin our friendship." 

"You could never!"

We were stopped by talking further by a familiar voice. "Well done Toga!" Shiggy exclaimed. 

"Yeah, glad to see you two get together. Your constant flirting was getting annoying." Dabi said while lighting a small azure flame for light. 

"Who cares?! Young love has bloomed!" Twice said with an excited tone. Me and Y/n separated from our embrace and we chatted with the League for a couple of moments. That is, until we heard police sirens.

 We all paled. "Run." Shiggy said. With that we ran into the forest, escaping. Dabi was hopping from tree to tree, Shiggy was running with Twice, and me and Y/n were frantically escaping two pro heroes. Unfortunately, I fell to the ground. 

"Get them!" One of the heroes exclaimed. Y/n turned around and helped me up, but it was too late. The pros caught up to us. Within a second me and Y/n were pinned to the ground. 

"No!" Y/n exclaimed. With that, she made eye contact with the hero that was holding me, making him fall to the ground. "Toga! Get out of here!" She yelled.

Your POV

"Toga! Get out of here!" I exclaim. She looked hesitant but did as she was told. Unfortunately, the pro hero that handcuffed me was now chasing after Toga. I call out to him. "Sir, are you going to leave me here?" We made eye contact and he fell to the ground. I was yanked off the ground and put inside of a quirk cancelling cell. 

"We finally got the villain known as Rogue. We will definitely get a raise for this." He sneered. I spit in his face. 

"The Hero Killer was right! Heroes are disgusting, only in it for the fame and money!" The other pro soon returned. 

"We lost the others. They fled the scene." They both sneered. I put my head down in defeat, at least the others were safe.

Six Months Later (Still Your POV)

I couldn't take it anymore, the constant interrogations and bribes made me sick. It was around midnight and I was thinking of the times I had with Toga. I need to break out of here! How would I do that?  Suddenly, the door opened to reveal All Might in his scrawny form. "What the hell do you want?! First you fail to save my parents, then you take me away from the only group that cared about me!" I exclaim with venom. All Might's eyes held sympathy. 

"I understand. But this is for the safety of the people of Japan." He responded. I scoff. 

"Bullshit, I've saved countless people from kidnappings, murders, and muggings. And what do you do? Not even take the case to court while you sit in your penthouse!" Sliding to the ground I could feel tears threatening to fall. "And now you take away my freedom."

I was suddenly embraced. "Y/n, I know about what has happened in your past, that's why I'm making you a deal." All Might said. I wiped my eyes. 

"What kind of deal?" I question. All Might pulled away. 

"It's a deal that you may have your freedom, but you protect those who need saving. Our patrols refuse to go to those parts. You won't be considered a hero but a villain. However, you can't be arrested unless you harm someone who wasn't responsible. Do we have a deal?" All Might stuck out his hand. I thought it over before shaking it. 


One Month Later (Still Your POV)

I had just rescued a family from a murder and I felt pretty good. I had my bat slung over my shoulder as I walked the streets freely. Without knowing it, I stood in front of The League of Villain's hideout. Once I realized where I was, I kicked down the door with a smile. I saw Toga, Twice, Shiggy, Dabi, and everyone else look at me in shock. "Miss me?" I ask. 

Stepping inside, I feel Toga's arms wrap around me. "You're so silly!" And with that I felt her lips on mine. I returned the kiss while hearing the League congratulating us. I couldn't care. I finally had MY happy ending. 

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