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Toga's POV

She just had to show up now! Always punctual, I see, that could be a slight problem, especially considering the fact I just confessed to liking her. Dabi approaches her with a murderous glint in his eye. "So, you're Rogue? Toga won't shut the hell up about you." He said while igniting a blue flame from his hand. Y/n just stared him into the eyes for approximately three seconds before he fell to the ground, unable to move. I soon tackled her into a hug. 

"Aw you missed me that much?!" I say. 

"Actually, I was found. Pro heroes, I assume." She responds. I was slightly disappointed. That's when I noticed a small Akita puppy.

 "Who is this?" I ask with my tone laced with excitement. I pick up the dog and hug it lovingly. "Its so cute!" Twice then walked over. 

"You're Rogue, you know Toga has a cr-" He was interrupted by Kurogiri. Thank goodness.

"Ah, you must be the villain Rogue. It's a pleasure to meet you." Kurogiri said while sticking out his hand. 

"I'm Kurogiri." Y/n shook his hand. If he has any. "It's a pleasure, Kurogiri. Call me Y/n." She responded. Her E/c eyes weren't glossed with nervousness and her skin was normal. How come she was nervous telling me about her actual name? 

"It's a suiting name. I welcome you." Kurogiri said.

Your POV

Nice, I could escape with everything I was going to need. Everyone had soon introduced themselves and I was still full of energy. Didn't help I was naturally a night owl. "Y/n, I couldn't help but wonder why you use a bat instead of a knife. May I ask why?" Twice asked me. 

"Let's just say I have a bad experience with knives." I respond. I didn't want to get into my flashbacks today. Me and him continue talking while Kurogiri kept serving us drinks. Since I was under 20, I got apple juice. I really couldn't complain. The inner child in me lived for apple juice

A/N : Sorry if you don't like apple juice, I personally think you're never to old to enjoy apple juice. Also, in Japan the legal drinking age is 20.

After talking with Twice about random stuff, I noticed it was around four in the morning. I wasn't fazed because that's when I sometimes woke up. Kurogiri must've also noticed because he gestured Toga over. "Toga, please show Y/n to her room." He suggested. I couldn't help but notice some intent behind those words but I shrugged it off. 

"Okie dokie!" Toga said. She grabbed me by the arm and led me to an empty room. 

"Here you go. Goodnight Y/n!" She said to me. I still wanted to talk to someone so I came up with an idea. 

"Want to talk for a bit? I don't feel tired." I ask her. An expression of excitement was now on her features. I had to admit, I thought it was hella cute. 

"Of course!" With that we entered my new room and the puppy came in. "So, what's their name?" Toga asked me. 

"Haven't thought of one."

We sat in silence for a couple of seconds when Toga suggested a name. "What about Arrow?" I thought over the name and soon came to like it. 

"It sounds good. Thanks!" I say to her. We talked over almost everything but she fell asleep with her head on my shoulder. That point I was blushing furiously. 

Do I like her? No, impossible! Romance is not what life is about. I should focus on things I need to do or want. But, I can admit I do love spending time with her. She's different from others, not focused on appearance or money. Although her interests are questionable, her quirk involves blood so it makes sense. I pondered in my thoughts when I came to a terrifying conclusion. Shit, I do have feelings for her. What if she's straight or just toying with me? The possibility of her toying with me is low but she could be straight. Why did I fall for her in the first place? 

Next thing I knew I had fallen asleep.

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