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A/N : Be prepared and buckle your seat belts! I was eating Rice Krispie treats while writing this, I regret nothing. 

3rd Person POV

It was once again a 'bonding' night as Twice called it for The League. You, Toga, Shiggy, and Dabi sat at the bar, drinking. You and Toga were sipping your apple juice while Dabi and Shiggy were casually roasting each other, you know, like friends do. Twice, Spinner, Moonfish, Mustard, Muscular, and the others sat in the lounge. Wearing a yellow sweater a black skirt that went above your knees, you were pretty comfy, you still had your bat on you. "Walking smoke fog! Get me another juice, will ya?" You called Kurogiri over. 

"Isn't that enough apple juice?" He questioned. 

"No, do I look like a five year old?" You asked in response. 

"No, not physically." He chuckled. You glared at the walking smoke machine. 

"At least I'm not a nanny for Shiggy!" You retorted. 

"Yeah! Shiggy is the real five year old!" Toga exclaimed. Apparently, Shiggy had heard your teasing because Dabi was laughing uncontrollably. 

"Y/n, you are worse than Dabi sometimes." Shiggy told you. 

"You say that like it's a good thing." You chuckled. Dabi stopped laughing and glared at the girl with the H/c. 

"Shut it before I get it through your thick skull that I'm better than you." Dabi said. 

"I don't think we will. Teasing you two is so much fun!" Toga chimed in. 

Twice soon joined in the shenanigans. "Dabi can be a real softie sometimes!" Dabi ignited a flame in his palm and shot it out, aiming it for Twice. "Ay! Mamma Mia!" Twice exclaimed as he avoided the azure flames. Toga, Y/n, and Shiggy chuckled at the sight. Y/n had a sudden urge to go get her backpack, so she slid off her stool and headed towards her room, leaving Toga staring at her affectionately. Twice slid an arm around Toga's shoulders. "Young love is blooming!" He exclaimed. 

"Let me drink my apple juice in peace." Toga responded while hiding her blush.

 "Is that a blush I see?" Kurogiri teased. 

"N-no it's not, smoke fog!" 

"Ooh, Toga has a crush!" Mustard fangirled. Luckily you were on the other side of the building, so you couldn't hear them. 

"Who is it?" Dabi asked the blonde. 

"I'm not telling you!" Toga yelled. Shiggy smirked. 

"No need, I happen to know who it is." The area fell silent as they waited for Shiggy's exposure of Toga's crush. Suddenly, there was a knife to Shiggy's throat, it was held by Toga. 

"Shiggy! I'm begging you not to tell!" This was the first time anyone had seen her like this, her usual crushes consisted of her CONSTANTLY rambling on about them, this person must've been really special. Shiggy put his hands up in defeat. 

"Fine. We shall guess who it is!" He proclaimed. 

Toga put the knife down and flopped onto the couch. "Fine! But it's going to be a hard one!" She smiled and sharpened her knife while humming a random tune. That's when you entered the room once more with your black backpack in hand. You sat down on the couch and opened up your backpack to reveal a large amount of snacks. Toga noticed this and looked at you with a cute expression. "Can I have some?" She asked you. You sighed and slightly smirked. 

"Fine." "Great!" And with that she ate most of your snacks. 

"This isn't much bonding! I suggest we all play some board games!" Twice exclaimed. 

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