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A/N : This chapter is your past and flashbacks. This will explain things such as why you don't want people to know your real name, why you use a bat, and why you became a villain. Might be a little shorter. Hope you enjoy!

I was around four when I lost my parents by manslaughter. They were killed by pro heroes. Why couldn't they protect everyone? We are people too. I approached a man with a sour expression on his face. I recognized him as the hero Endeavor. "Please help me!" I called out to him. He turned to me and gave a glance that could be described as slight regret.

"Sometimes we can't save everybody." With that he walked away, leaving my four year old self sobbing in an alleyway.

When I was around thirteen, I was determined to find and kill the villain that killed my family. I was living with my grandmother and I appreciated her being there for me. At dinner I told her my plan. "Grandma, I'm going to find who killed my parents." I stayed at dinner. She had gone deaf from an accident in her youth. I did sign language to tell her my plan and she spoke. 

"Dear, I will support you no matter what. Just be careful." I nodded gratefully and swore to protect her that day. So off I went, seeking to find the killer of your parents. You had the basic information.

Their quirk was Knife Throw. It allowed him to throw knives perfectly.
He was a C ranked villain.

After a day of searching, you happened to come across a rather disturbing scene. A woman had a knife to her throat. Squinting your eyes, you recognized him as the villain that killed your parents. You saved the girl with your combat skills and the villain was turned into the police.

Unfortunately, that memory came with a consequence. You started to despise using knives for bad things. You didn't develop a fear of them, you just despised using them. After your grandmother retired, she let me pick out four things out of her items to keep. "Dear, you may pick four items you can keep." She said with a smile on her face. I nod and give her a small hug. I then walk into her room and pick out the four items that I could keep. A bat, a sketchbook, a black backpack, and a choker.

I walked out and gave my grandmother a hug. "Thank you Grandma. I'll always be here to protect you." I say to her in sign language. 

"Dear, you remind me so much of your mother. I'll be here through thick and thin. I will always be here even though you decided to become a villain. I love you, Y/n." Your grandmother said to you. That meant the world to you and you still live up to your promises today.

When you were around fifteen, you were walking late at night after I had gone shopping for bandages when I was stopped by a man. He looked terrifying, luckily I had brought my bat. "Give me your money!" He said. I realized I was going to get mugged if I didn't do something. I stayed silent. "Y/n L/n, I have been watching you for about eleven years and I came to the conclusion you would've recognized me." The man stated, while spreading his arms out.

 You squinted your eyes and you gasped in shock. In front of you was your uncle with a crazy look in his eyes. "Y/n, give me a hug." He said. That sent a shiver down your spine, a bad one. Dropping the bags, you ran as fast as you could. Knowing he would follow you, you somehow got onto a rooftop and starting running across each one in the moonlight.

From that day forward, you were afraid of people finding out your real name. At age seventeen, you met your childhood best friend, Himiko Toga again. You couldn't remember her because you two drifted apart.

A/N : Hey friends! I hope yo enjoyed. This is a cool chapter in my opinion. I tried not to make things too scary and outside of the guidelines. Have a nice doy or night!

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