Chapter 20: Memory Lane

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In front of him was a huge mansion lined with bricks standing over the small poor boy.

Almost judging him.

A figure left the door and advanced towards Felix.

"What are you doing here?" Jason said.

Felix didn't reply he just looked up at the taller man in front of him. Tears stained his cheeks as his red hands painfully gripped onto what was meant to be his suitcase.

Standing in front of Jason he just started crying even harder. His mind was always in turmoil and he didn't know what to do.

The only person who he could trust with everything was this man in front of him and even know he wasn't even sure of his character anymore.

Jason took one look at his friend to gain an understanding of what happened. He didn't say anything either before engulfing the boy in his arms. Only then did he realise how much he missed him from when they had the kiss. He missed him deeply and didn't want to let him go but understood that he had to.

Looking at the boy he took the suitcase from his hands and started walking towards the huge mansion which stood in front of them.

"Come." He said and Felix instantly followed.

Felix had only ever been to Jason's house once and that time he went he was beyond surprised it was huge. It gave Felix an idea of Jason's wealth which made him even more confused as to why he'd still hang out with him knowing his mum worked as hard as possible to keep their family of two afloat.

He walked towards the mansion taking in every detail as he walked past.

There was an endless amount of yard with just pure green grass, lined with neat circular bushes giving the house an elegant look.

Gray and cream bricks layered on top of each other creating the tall body of the house with intricate glass windows giving onlookers an insight of what lay inside the palace.

Jason and Felix walked up to the rich brown double doors and only when Felix was standing in front of these towering doors did, he rethinks his decision.

He clearly didn't fit in and didn't want to walk in. He felt scared. Jason sensed this and took his free hand clasping Felix's in his before giving him a reassuring smile. Butterflies wondered into Felix's stomach and he faced away with red blush creeping up on his face.

Walking into the mansion was just as surprised as he was when he was outside. Walking into the hallway two majestic flight of stairs stood in front of him painted in a pitch-black colour contrasting greatly with the soft cream walls.

He didn't get to see much as he was rushed up the stairs. Felix looked at Jason wondering what the rush for, but he didn't say anything. Once they got to Jason's room Jason placed the suitcase on the ground and seated Felix onto his bed waiting for an explanation. He wanted to hear his side of things.  He had his own assumptions, but he knew there was something deeper.

"What happened Felix?" Jason's asked.

"My mum...she kicked me out." Felix said. He didn't want to divulge deep into what happened otherwise he felt that Jason may feel as if he was at fault

Jason paused before he responded, "There's something else isn't there?"

Felix froze.

He didn't know how Jason knew his mind was heavy on something else but now he did there was no turning back. This was the moment he was going to find out the truth. His heart was racing, and he readied the words he was going to speak.

"Jason, there was this time that I was walking home from school," Felix paused reading Jason's expression it seemed to be empty to he thought nothing of it and carried on. "I saw someone killed." he said his head low after asking the defining question.

"You were there. Right?" Felix was almost certain that Jason was there but now he was right in front of him he didn't want to believe it he needed that confirmation from him.

The room was silent as Jason was thinking. I guess it's time he knew he thought to himself before answering his friends pressing question.

"Yes." Jason said his voice low.

Jason saw how Felix became rigid in his position. Everything began spilling out. He couldn't hold it in anymore.


Jason stood in his father's office as someone walked in.

"Sir, our most recent customer has failed to pay his debt. Should I carry on with protocol." The man said. Jason recognised him his name was Thomas and he was in charge of all the dirty work that his father told him to do. Jason father thought for a second before coming up with a proposition.

" Yes, Jason here will assist you." Jason's dad said his eyes transfixed onto his son.

Jason immediately shook his head he knew what Thomas was up to and didn't want to get involved. This was another way his dad was trying to involve him in the company he wanted nothing to do with.

Jason's dad was expecting this reaction so he came up with something that would convince his son.

"I don't want you to do anything. Just stay in the car and watch as Thomas does his work. In return I won't pressure you about the company until you turn 16."

Jason knew that he was only turning 16 in a few days but within those few days he didn't know what his dad could've made him so, so he agreed.

On the way there his heart was beating out of his chest, his legs bopping up and down.

"Calm down." Thomas said his face stoic hard.

"How do you do this?" Jason asked not bothering to look at the man driving the car next to him.

"I don't know." Thomas said. And the truth is he didn't. he never ever felt emotions and doing things like this just came naturally to him. This was his outlet.

Once they arrived near the alley way Thomas along with some other men dressed in black exited the car.

The target was already in the alleyway so he could explain that he needed more time. Little did he know he'd already ran out of time.

Jason watched the interactions between the men and the man before he heard the gun shot. He eyes were trained on the lifeless body which was sprawled out all over the dirty floor.

His eyes stayed trained on it while the men retreated back into the car. While driving off however he noticed some movement at the end of the corridor.

He instantly recognised the face.


He didn't know whether Felix could see him or not but by the way Felix's eyes widened and lips were left agape he felt he did.


"That's the truth." Jason ended staring into Felix's eyes looking desperately for his response. He saw nothing.

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