Chapter 30: Shifting Shock

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Philip came to a stop. In front of him were an army of tall green trees.

"We're here." Philip said to himself looking at the back of the car observing his captive.

"Stop. Please." Felix's voice said. He wasn't sure what Philip had injected him with, but he did know that whatever it was, it completely paralyzed his body. He knew there was no way for him to escape.

Once he'd woken up, he searched his mind of all the ways that he could set himself free. However, there were none. He sat on a heap in the group in an all-white room. The brightness burned his eyes and the image of the man in front of him burned them even more.

"Why are you doing this, Philip. What have I ever done to you?" Felix asked as the man standing in front of him simply walked around him.

"I told you Felix. I told you to stay away from him. You didn't believe me. I never thought of it before but..." Philip said crouching down to reach Felix eye level. "I think I liked you. I may still do." he said cupping Felix chill in his hands. Felix flicked his head further away in order to escape from the man's touch.

It felt disgusting to him. Like his skin burnt wherever he touched. Felix had only ever allowed one person to touch him.

Philip brought his head closer to the shivering boy licking his lips in preparation. Felix struggled against his grip which he failed to shake off. He had his mouth clamped shut in fear of the things Philip would do.

The door to the room busted open. "He's here."

The man in the doorway said. Philip gave a short nod. A dark look flashed behind his eyes as he began unchaining Felix to the wall. He then carried his limp body in his arms. Felix tried his best to thrash in the man's arms but no matter how much he willed it his body wouldn't move an inch.

He wondered who the man was talking about when he said he. He had an idea though. There was only one person who went to such length to notice he's gone and find him in such a short length of time.

And that was Jason.

Just then it hit him. He was the bait. He wasn't the one that Philip wanted. It was Jason. All Felix wanted to do was run out of there and warm Jason. To tell him it wasn't worth the fight. But with his arms and legs completely paralysed all he could do was scream and shout.

Outside of the little room Jason stood.

His eyes pitch black. He knew it was weird receiving a text like that cut off in the middle like that so he asked his men to get all the information they could on Felix. He visited his house and when he wasn't there, he started getting worried.

He didn't want to assume anything too quickly but not knowing where Felix was worried him.

He then went to Felix's workplace and after hearing Felix was meant to be in around an hour ago, he knew for sure something was up. It didn't take long for him to know where he was. His men were fast. They tracked all the cameras and found the car carrying Felix. It led to a forest.

Jason decided to give his sister a call. Something seemed off to him.

Why would they make it so easy for him to find Felix? What would be the point of kidnapping him?

Colbi told him that if he was in trouble, they'd be people to back him up.

After entering the forest, it didn't take long for Jason to find the small room where Felix was being held.

He could smell him.

Like he was calling to him.

He ended up fighting a few men on the way, but it was light work. In 5 minutes, all the men now decorated the ground with their blood. He was now standing outside the cell and Felix's smell was stronger as if he were standing right in front of him. And within seconds he was. his body was bloodied, and his face looked tired and heavily drugged.

Upon seeing it he couldn't help the burst of anger that enlightened from within him. He could hear the voice in his head. Begging.

"Let me." it said. Jason could hear its restlessness.

It began pushing inwards. And soon enough it took over, pushing all traces of Jason outside of the bodies consciousness. Now stood ace fully in control. He cracked his neck. This was the first time he was finally allowed to be out.

He wasn't going to regret it.

Felix gasped as he looked at Jason in front of him. Jason looked disfigured his body misaligning and twisting in all types of positions.

Felix's mouth was left ajar as his eyes failed to leave the horrifying sight in front of him.

Jason's bones reformed itself until it resembles one of a beast. A creature. A monster. No longer standing in front of him was the Jason, Felix knew.

This was ace.

Within seconds the wolf pounced at an unsuspecting Philip who was instantly thrown of his feet. Felix unable to even hold himself up fell to the ground. His eyes were glued to the scene in front of him. The wolf began to tear up Philip from within. Ripping his flesh away. There was pool of blood beneath him, Clearly, Philip was dead, but the wolf didn't stop. It didn't stop. it's head perked up.

Ace looked around the forest.

There's someone else here.

"We got his coordinates everyone. Move out.  We haven't dealt with mystical creatures in years. It's shocking some of them still exist. We must eliminate it in one fell swoop."

The repeating beep only got louder filling the room with fear and anxiety laced with a little bit of excitement.

Looking at the screen the head of the group eye's widened. Where there was just one red dot. There was now more. They kept appearing and appearing seconds apart. "Wai- "the man said turning around to warm everyone that they were more than one in the area. Everyone was already gone.

The man desperately picked up the phone. "Deploy everyone. This is bigger than we could've imagined."

// just a small note this book is coming to an end. Just want to say thank you all for the reads, comments and votes. If I'm being honest theres a lot of things I don't really like about the book but I'm committed to finishing it cause It'll be a shame to leave it unfinished when I've come so far. You guys have really motivated me to write more and get better so please make sure to follow cause I have so much more book ideas which I cant wait to release. 👉👈//

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