chapter 4

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~ Hunters POV ~

"Rise and shine Hunter" Dean says yanking the covers off of me.

"5 more minutes." I say groggily.

"Come on get up. You have school in an hour."

"Fine." I growl. I grab my clothes for the day and go to the bathroom to shower. I hurry up and shower and then I get dressed. I walk out and Dean hands me a computer bag with text books and notebooks in it.

"Here's all your stuff for school. I'm driving you and Jack. Once you get inside go to the office and get your schedules. Also don't let Jack do anything stupid." Dean tells me.

"Okay got it." I tell him.

"Good. Now go get in the car. I'm gonna go grab Jack." He says.

We both walk out of the hotel room. I head to the car while dean goes to Sam and Jacks room. I hop in the front seat of baby and pull out my phone and headphones. I turn on my music and just think about what today could be like.

~ Deans POV ~

I walk out of the hotel room and go to Sam and Jacks room. "Is the kid ready?" I ask as I walk through the door.

"I think so." Jack tells me.

"Okay good. But before we head out I need to let you know a few things. Okay?"


"You stay with Hunter all day. Do not leave her side. You have every class with her so there's no need for you two to get separated. Also you protect her okay. Don't let anyone say anything rude to her and don't let anyone put a hand on her. If she gets hurt under your watch i'll kill you." I tell him.

"I understand."

"Good. Grab your bag let's go. Bye Sammy."

~ Hunters POV ~

After like 10 minutes, Jack and Dean get into the car. Dean looks at me and smiles. I look back at Jack. I give him a small smile before facing forward again.

"Lets ride." Dean says as he turns the radio up.

I let out a small chuckle. We begin driving. It's about 15 minutes before we get to the school. Once we get there Dean stops the car and lets us get out.

"Have a good day guys. Also please don't draw attention to yourself." he says.

"We got it Dean. I'll see you after school. I love you." I tell him.

"Love you too kiddo." He responds.

I shut the door and me and Jack make our way into the building. "Here it is Jack. High school. Where you waste 8 hours of your day sitting next to smelly, stuck up teenagers and learn stuff you won't even need for the real world." I tell him before walking inside. We head to the office to get our schedules.

"How may I help you?" the lady at the front desk asks.

"Umm, we are new here and it's our first day so we kind of need to get our schedules." I tell here.

"Yes you two must be Hunter and Jack Page. I have your schedules right here and I'll call someone up here to show you two your classes." She says with a smile.

"Thank you." I smile back.

We wait about 5 minutes before a student comes into the office. He comes up to me and Jack and introduces himself.

"Hi. I'm Gryffin. You guys must be the new students. Come on i'll show you around." He says.

We follow along and he asks to borrow my schedule.
"Well Hunter." he starts.

"How do you know my name?" I question.

"It's on your schedule." He says with a laugh.

"Oh." I say embarrassed.

"As I was saying. We are in home room right now. Which is right here. You have Mr. West. He's pretty cool. You guys will like him."

"That's good." Jack speaks up.

We continue to follow Gryffin as he shows us around the school and where our other classes are.

"I have the same 3rd and 4th period as y'all so I'll see you two then. Other than that have a good day." He says with a smile as he walks off.

It was now first period and me and Jack walk into the class room. It's was kind of awkward not gonna lie. All the kids were already there and they were all staring at us. The teacher then noticed us and introduced herself.

"Good morning. I'm Mrs. Williams. You must be our new students. Introduce yourselves to the class and then go have a seat in the back." she smiles.

All of a sudden I get nervous. I hate introducing myself to people. I'm always afraid i'm gonna embarrass myself.

"Hello. I'm Jack. I'm glad to be here." Jack says before going to sit down.

"Umm. Hi. I- I'm H-h-hunter." I stutter out. Ughh i'm such a freak. I go sit down, hearing people laugh on my way to my seat. Great. First day and I've already made a fool of myself. It better not get worse from here or I swear i'm gonna murder my brothers.

The next 2 classes go okay. Me and Jack then head to lunch. On the way there I feel someone grab my shoulder. I turn around a deck them in the face. I hate people sneaking up on me like that.

"Ow. Son of a bitch." I hear the guy say while hunched over. I then realize who it was. It was Gryffin.

"Shit. Gryffin I'm so sorry I didn't know it was you. I just get scared when people sneak up on me and it's just a habit to rock their shit. I'm so sorry." I tell him while looking at his face.

"It's my fault. I shouldn't have grabbed you. I'm sorry." he says.

"It's not your fault you didn't know. Here let me make it up to you. I'll buy you lunch." I tell him as we walk into the cafeteria.

I buy Gryffin lunch and him, Jack, and I go and sit down. "I'm really sorry." I tell him for the hundredth time.

"It's okay. I'm fine and damn you hit hard." He tells me. "Anyways why don't you tell me about yourselves." he says.

"Well as you know I'm Hunter and this is Jack." I say.

"Where'd you guys move here from?"

"We're from Kansas." Jack says.

"Nice. So what made y'all come down here?"

"Well our dad is always having to hit the road for his job and he can't leave us by ourselves so wherever he goes we come too." I tell him.

"Ah. What does your dad do?"

"He works for the armed forces. They are always stationing him in different places." I tell him. We continue to talk for the rest of lunch. Jack even did good and talked quite a bit. After lunch we went on with the day until It was time to go.

We were waiting for Sam and Dean to come get us but it ended up being Cas who showed up. He said that Sam and Dean had to go question a person about the ghoul case. Then we drove back to the hotel.

Hello everyone. Thank you for reading chapter 4 of my book. This chapter is kind of long and i understand it is probably boring. Anyways I'll have more updates soon and can't wait to continue this book with you guys. Until next time. carry on.

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