chapter 5

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"Thanks Rowena. Also if you ever do anything like that again i'll kill you." Sam says before hanging up the phone.

He heads back inside to where Dean is questioning a witness for any information on the ghouls. "Sorry, I had to take a call. It was the boss man." Sam says as he sits down next to Dean.

"Well I think we got everything. Thank you for your time." Dean says getting up.

"No problem."

"Oh and if you need anything Grace. Here's our card." Sam tells her while handing her a fake card.

"Thank you." she says.

They leave and get into the impala to get back to the hotel.

"So, you get Rowena to undo the spell?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, she undid it. It took some threatening but I got her to do it."

"Good. You think Hunter and Jack are alright?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean Hunter hasn't gone to an actual school in years and Jack well. He's Jack. Kids not the sharpest tool in the shed."

"I think they're fine. Hunter is smart and is good at talking her way out of any situation and besides her and Jack can take care of each other. Also, don't you think social interaction would be good for both of them. I mean we don't have the ideal put yourself out there situation."

"Yeah Sammy. I guess you're right. I just worry about her you know. I mean the kids growing up on us. I mean I don't wanna lose my baby sister."

"You're not gonna lose her Dean. She's not going anywhere she's not dying so stop worrying."

"Okay Sammy."

They continue their way back to the hotel. They got Cas to pick Jack and Hunter up. When they arrived at the hotel they noticed the others weren't back yet. They head into his hotel room to do some more research.

"I'm gonna hit the showers Sammy" Dean says walking towards the bathroom.

"Okay." Sam turns back to my laptop to continue my research. After about 5 minutes Cas and the others walk through the door.

"I'm back from hell bitches!!" Hunter shouts.

"I don't understand. You didn't go to hell today. That was like 4 years ago." Cas says confused.

"It's a figure of speech Cas." Hunter chuckles.

"Oh. Right." Cas responds.

"Anyways, how did your day go Hunter?" Sam asks.

"You know it wasn't actually terrible."

"That's great. What about you Jack?"

"I actually really enjoyed it. Everyone is so nice. Even the kid Hunter punched in the face." Jack says with a smile.

"Hunter you did what?!" Sam says concerned.

"It was an accident Sammy."

"Yeah because punching someone in the face is an accident."

"Who punched who in the face?" Dean asks walking out of the bathroom.

"Hunter punched some kid at school today." Sam tells him.

"Why the hell would you do that?" he yells at her.

"It was an accident. He snuck up on me and it scared me. So my reflexes ended with me punching him." she says in defense.

"I told you before I dropped you off to not get in trouble and to not draw attention to yourself and what do you do. You do exactly the opposite. Why can't you just listen for once. Why do you continuously act so stupid." Dean shot back.

"I told you it was an accident. Why do you always get mad at me for nothing. I didn't do anything wrong yet you still find something to get on to me for. I hate you!" Hunter says throwing her bag down. She turns around and starts to storm out of the room.

"Where do you think you're going missy?" dean calls after her.

"Away from you. I'll be back later." she says walking out and slamming the door.l

"Why'd you do that Dean. There was no need to yell at her." Sam lectures.

"There was a need Sam. You know damn well there was. I'm tired of her not listening."

"Well maybe if you tried actually talking to her without losing your shit she would listen to you."

"I do talk to her without losing my shit."

"Really Dean? Because it damn sure doesn't look like it."

"That's enough!" Cas shouts interrupting them. "I'm tired of your childish arguing. Dean give the kid a break. Jack you go find Hunter. I have a bad feeling about her being alone right now. Sam do some more research on the case."

"And what are you gonna do?" Dean asks.

"I'm gonna watch you two so you don't argue anymore."

Jack leaves to go find Hunter. Sam gets back to researching. Dean sits on his bed and watches TV. "Hey so get this." Sam says having finally found some Information. "There's a report from about 2 months ago. Kid dies only to come back to life 10 minutes later." He reads the article.

"So we got some kind of Lazarus resurrection?" Dean asks.

"That's what I thought but then" I continue to read. "16 year old James Stanwick was pronounced dead on Tuesday, February 17th. The doctors had left him alone in the room to break the news to his parents. When they returned though, he was alive and better than ever." I read. "Doctors are calling it some type of miracle."

"So what do you think?" Cas asks.

"I think that when the doctors left the ghoul took the kid and then took his place. Also he's not the only miracle. There have been 6 missing kids who all just randomly reappeared after being gone for months even years." I say.

"So you think the ghouls have been pulling a parent trap type situation." Dean says.

"I think so and all the kids are students at the high school."

"Well great. When Hunter and Jack get back we'll let them know what to look out for at the school." Dean says.

hello everyone. thank you for reading chapter 5 of my book. how do you guys like it so far? i still have been thinking about an update schedule but haven't made any decisions yet so when i do i'll let y'all know. anyways. until next time. carry on.

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