Steven Richards

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I checked my watch to see it was half past 8 already, time does fly when your too engaged. I decided to pack for the day and go home. I picked up my phone to call Matt my driver to take the car out and saw I had 10 missed calls from Stell. She normally never calls so much, she knows how I get when I'm working. This must be really important then. I freak out and run to the parking lot calling her, only for it to go to voicemail. " Damn it I hope she is fine ". I find Matt standing near the car "Matt..home now, drive fast"

We rush home and as soon as I get in I shout her name and check for her everywhere the kitchen where she usually is, the living room "Oh damn, where is she!!" I go upstairs to her room and see her there sitting on the bed with headphones onn I could hear the song blasting from her door. She scared the shit outta me and here she is applying some paint to her freaking nails. I call her name again, she is so engrossed in painting her nails not even acknowledging me standing right at her door.

I plan a revenge for scaring me like that. I throw a bucket filled with water on her and her reaction makes me laugh rolling on the ground... I mean no, not literally I'm not rolling on the ground. I'm the CEO of Richards Co-operation and I would like to maintain the reputation. Rolling on the ground like a lunatic doesn't really meet the standards right!

Does throwing bucket of water on someone meet standards of the CEO, my sub-conscious retorted.

Well in my defence right now I'm not at office and she is not my employee so that's fine. Stell jumps from the bed screaming at me and slips due to the water on the ground and curses loudly "Steve you jerk, you dork...." I rush towards her to check if she is okay.

"Stell are you okay, did you hurt yourself." She gives me death glare but looks anything but deadly. "Seriously Steve, did I hurt myself or did you hurt me??"

"Well, you jumped from the bed you should've been careful you knew there was water around." I try to supress my laughter, her trying that angry look on me never works. She ends up looking like a cute kid whose denied sweets, really.

"Steve I could have really hurt my head or something which right now can't happen with all this happening..."
She stops speaking abruptly like she was not supposed to say it. I was really confused Stell never really hid anything from me neither did I. Afterall we only had each other and we made it a rule since we were kids to always trust each other and never hide or lie to each other. I looked suspiciously at her and asked "What is happening now...what do you mean Stell?"

She had this really nervous look on her face she almost looked a little unsure. Stellary Richards is scared of someone especially me thats surprising. I was really confused what is going on. She replied "Nothing Steve you dumbass I do not want to end up in hospital I hate them." She then looked at her toes avoiding my eyes and changing the subject added "You idiot you totally ruined my nail paint, do you even know how much time it took for me to do it" with that she hit me on my head.

"Calm down its just a nailpaint, i'll book that parlour thing for you. Anyways you scared the shit outta me. I saw so many calls and freaked out, whats wrong you never call when I am at office unless its important?"

"Uhh...well Umm Steve, why don't you change and freshen up I'll heat the dinner. I'll see you at the dinning room bye"
She then ran off. If I said I was confused before I was really worried now there was definitely something going on with her. The signs were clear nervousness, fear and now stuttering, she is never like that. She is one of the most confident girls I know.

"Stell wait right there what's going on?" I asked behind her but she didn't even turn back and ignored me completely. It was best that I did as she said she was stubborn anyways.
But I couldn't stop thinking what could it be.

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