Arayna Oberoi

187 45 65

Its such a shame....who would have thought she would turn out to be like this...
These kids of big families are spoilt, I knew her image was too good to be true, now the truth is out in the open...
But her parents, they are so renowned, have such a good name in the society...

I woke up with a jerk. These nightmares are a regular occurrence. They are as disturbing as they were the first time and You never get used to them, and it doesn't get any better. Why do people dictate our lives so much. What do they think about you, say about you or even the way they look at you; why does it have to matter so much?

Mama (mom) always told me whenever I got self-connscious about what people at school would say if I wore a particular thing or such similar situations,  'Let people think what they want, it will only get to you when you let it. So raise your chin up and look them in the eye, it will definitely shut them up. When you let them affect you, it only proves you are in the wrong place.' I remember it clearly word by word because she would make me repeat it after her when I was younger. I grew up to be just like she wanted me to, I didn't give a damn about what people said and I still don't care what people think or say about me, but when my parents are dragged or spoken ill about because of me I can't take it and that affects me, a lot. Its been 6 years but everything still is as clear as daylight, every little detail. Even if I try to forget, the nightmares won't let me.

I check my phone to see its a little past 4. I decide to wake up as I won't be getting any sleep now. I turn to see him snuggled on the bed beside me peacefully asleep. Well, atleast someone's geeting a good nights sleep. I sigh and get out of bed to the bathroom, brush my teeth and change into my swim wear. Yes, swimming at 4 in the morning in the chilly water not a very good idea, but thats what helps me get through the day without looking like I haven't slept at all.

I take my towel and cover-up and move towards the backyard where the pool is. I check the water by putting my leg into it, yes very chilly.
I do not want to get sick, so I adjust the temperature of the water and start warming up relaxing my muscles till the water heats up a little.

After a few minutes I get in the water and start swimming first slowly and then faster trying to beat my own time. Papa (Dad) always said think of yourself as your competition first. Everyday give your best to get better than you were yesterday and you won't even realize when you've left everyone behind.

I spent good one hour swimming back and forth till my muscles were sore and I couldn't remember anything else, no other pain. I was just about to het out of the pool when I saw him running towards the pool. Before he could reach the pool I threw the ball that was in the pool towards him and he jumped to catch it. I called him near "Dex come on here." and he came running holding the ball.

I got out of the pool and he then threw the ball in the pool again. Looks like he is in no mood to play catch now. He is one lazy brat. He then started pulling me towards the house and I understood he was hungry. "Dex I'll take a bath first and then get you food, lets clean you up too come on. Those puppy eyes ain't working on me buddy."

I only spend time here in this house on weekends, other times I sleep at the office. Why move back and forth when you have a room there. I have no one to back to anyways. Its just me and Dexter and he follows me around.

I take a bath and change into a long tshirt and shorts and move to the kitchen to make some breakfast. We both eat in silence with the television playing news in the background. I check the time and its still 6:30 am. I still have enough time till I have to get to the office, so I decide to get some painting done. Switching off the tv i move tp the painting room and put some music onn. I work on the painting I had started a while back but did not finish it. I think about the day this painting is about and confusion fills me. In so many years I've never let anyone see that part of me, yet somehow he managed to get in. I blame it on alcohol.

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