Keep your arrogance in your pocket!

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Steven Richards

Fair enough, you need to clear your stand though. What do you plan on doing?" Arayna says looking at me with her eyebrows raised. That was indeed a good question, what plan did I have for Susan! I had not thought it through. Just one thing was clear, I didn't want to risk sending Susan back to Ryan.

I take a moment to think then say, "I don't want to ruin her life by filing a legal complaint against her, her deeds are not justified but still I understand she was under an influence and it would be too extreme. So, I think putting a restraining order on her should be the right way.  She cannot be seen anywhere close to me, my family, friends, home or business. This would not only serve her right but also safeguard our interest" I say with conviction thinking this is for the best.

I observe Arayna's expression on my thought; there is obviously not much she just nods in acknowledgment.

"So, shall we vote now. This is exciting." Mitch says excited rubbing both his hands like a little kid about this. "I think we should start with Stella."

Stell looks at me for a brief moment then looking at everyone she responds, "I have already made my decision, it will be whatever Arayna decides and if this way we can get back at Ryan then why not!"

Next goes Bryan, "I am sorry Stell, but here I am with Steven. He is right about all this turning the other way round. I think we must just let go of it and move on. Restraining order would be best to keep her out of our lives. She has hurt you enough." I knew Bryan would be on my side, he doesn't believe in revenge, he is the peacemaker.

Evelyn goes third, "I have seen what Ryan is capable of. I don't think it is wise to be involved with him in any way. I think we should just close this matter right here and not complicate things. I am sorry Arayna, I hope you understand." She says apologetic of going against Arayna.

"Of course, we are all independent to choose." Arayna says assuring Evelyn.

"So, I am the only one left, I choose Ms. Oberoi." Mitch says and continues after a small pause realising he did not frame the sentence well, "I mean, I vote for Miss Oberoi's decision. I agree we must not leave this open ended. Ryan might not stop with his ways and he must be exposed. Also, Susan should pay for her deeds." I look at Mitch disappointed with him not being on my side.

"So, it's a tie. Now what?" Mitch asks looking at everyone with his brows raised lower lip turned upward in thought of a tiebreaker.

"I have not voted, even I should get to vote. It's my life you guys are deciding upon." Susan pipes in. I knew she'll choose to go with Arayna and I would not let her win. So before anyone could agree or disagree I reply, "You cannot vote, you are the subject matter. It would be biased."

It looked like we were a bunch of teenagers voting for our favourite soccer team.

"I know exactly who can be the tiebreaker." Arayna says getting up from the chair and slowly starts to move towards the corner of the room.

Standing in front of him she says, "You are also a part of this, you were the one to find her whereabouts and get her here. So, even you should vote." Even in her four inch heels Arayna looked tiny in front of Kyle. Kyle was tall and bulky but even in her petite frame Arayna looked more intimidating with her strong stance and glare.

"Me?" Kyle says looking at me as if asking for my opinion on voting. I just nod my head in response.

"I hope you will cast your vote with honesty and not out of respect for your boss or in his influence." Arayna says looking at Kyle straight in the eye her chin raised to match his height.

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