Arayna Oberoi

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It is 5 in the morning and I am wide awake as usual, what I would give for one good nights sleep! Since it is a Tuesday I am completing my collection of designs to be sent for this week in my room adjoining my office. Dexter is sleeping peacefully on my bed snuggled in all the pillows. He is the only reason I have a bed in this room.

I was completely immersed in the detailing of the design.

I turned towards the bed to see Dexter waking up. I went towards the bed, checked my phone to see it read 7:00 am. Falling on the bed beside him stroking his ear I whispered, come on baby lets go for a jog. You are getting very lazy these days. He loved going for walks and as soon as he realized that, he was off the bed barking at me to get ready and leave already. Guess, I was wrong calling him lazy.

Dexter is a 3-year old black Labrador. I bought him as soon as I left college dorm. I always wanted to have a pet dog but Papa was allergic to dogs. He knew having a dog would make me very happy so he even insisted on getting one, assuring me he would take anti-allergy pills and even consult the doctor but noways was I going to risk his health. So then every weekend he took me to 'The Playhouse'. They had many dogs, different breed and I was allowed to play with them for an hour. I was my father's princess, I still am, will always be.

I changed into a track suit and my running shoes and got out of the back gate running towards the park, Dex following right behind. He is the only family I have now, the only one close to me anyways. I moved here to America when I was 17, the excuse was studying, the reality was getting away. People would call it running away though, I don't care. I know I did what I thought was best for me at that time.

After an hour while jogging back to the office, I stopped by the cafe to grab a coffee.I entered the room adjoining the office which was comfortably large, almost like a one room appartment, it had a queen sized bed tucked near the window with a beautiful view of the city, a small closet on the other side of the bed, a bathroom and a small kitchen.
Entering the kitchen I grabbed Dex's food box and fed him knowing he must have been famished, grabbing a banana for myself I went to the closet to get my outfit which consisted of a cream coloured fitting dress that reached my knee. Taking a quick shower I got ready for work.

I was going through some files when Evelyn entered my office a bright smile on her face, as cheerful as ever, "Good Morning Arayna." I gave her a small smile and replied "Good Morning Evelyn, what are the updates on yesterdays orders, all sent right.?"

"Yes, all as per schedule." She replied. Dex came running from the room adjoining towards Evelyn licking all over, he loved her and that was a relief. There were very few people he actually liked and was friemdly with. Evelyn always said he is just like me.

After a few minutes of Evelyn petting him she came and sat on the chair opposite. "Leena wanted me to pass on a message, she wants the designs to be approved as and when they are done and not on the last day." she said asking for my approval on it.

I was expecting Leena to put this point, she is a smart woman; I interviewed her afterall. I nodded at Leena and replied "Tell her I agree, also as and when her designs get approved she gets half the payment for that design, so at the end of the week even if she hasn't completed her target she gets payment of the approved design. She knows she won't get even half the price of the design if she doesn't sell it under Zainav Fashion's name."

"It would be a shame if we lost her, she's good." Evelyn added.

I nodded and said "Its important to prove your worth sometimes and this way even the others learn."

Evelyn nodded and then added "Another important matter Arayna, you have an appointment at 4 with David Francis, the Costumes Head for Rosseau Productions, getting our designs there would be a great deal."

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