An Uninvited Guest

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Arayna Oberoi- Female Protagonist
Staven Richards- Male Protagonist
Stellary Richards- Steven's Sister
Evelyn Weber- Arayna's Assistant
Mitch- Steven's Bestfriend/Business Partner
Susan- Antoganist
Dexter- Arayna's Dog
Bryan Johnson- Stellary's Fiancé

Stellary plans on getting her wedding dress made from Arayna's company (Zainav Fashions) against Susan's insistence. Susan tries to create misunderstandings between Steven and Arayna leading to lots of drama between: 1) Steven-Evelyn  2) Steven-Arayna.
After which Stellary with help of Mitch forces Steve to apologise and also hosts an apology dinner.
Meanwhile, Susan is missing, Mitch flirts with Evelyn and Steven finds out Arayna is the mystery girl he met in Paris 10 months ago but apparently Arayna does not remember or recognise Steven.

Steven Richards

I check my watch again for the umpteenth time today, its true the more you want the time to pass quickly the slower it moves. I couldn't wait for tonight's dinner, couldn't wait to see her again, couldn't wait to see if this time she remembers me, couldn't wait to know more about her. I try to keep myself busy with work but my mind seems to drift to her everytime. Arayna, now I have a name to that beautiful face, to what's been a mystery for months now. Her name seems just like her, unique, beautiful, I wonder what it meant. I open Google and look up her name to check what does it mean, I have seriously gone nuts, I feel like a teenager but no one's watching so its cool. Her name means queen, I just knew it had to mean something exuding power and strength, that is exactly how her personality is.

As I am staring at the screen Mitch barges in and I quickly close my laptop to hide the screen from him. I don't even want to think what he'll say if he sees what I was doing. I stand up from my chair and walk towards him, clearing my throat I say, "What brings you here?"

He looks at me suspiciously, he probably saw me closing the laptop in a hurry. Before he says anything I say, "Weren't you supposed to be in a meeting with the Fallon's?"

"Pal, what are you hiding, what were you doing before I came in?" He asks suspiciously raising his brow.

This man, he seriously doesn't miss a thing. "Mitch, I was working. What else would I do in my office?"

"Ohh no no no, you were seriously watching porn at work? What is wrong with you? I know you've not had action in months but this is our workplace. Have some dignity," he looks at me with a disgusted expression.

I am shocked at his wild imagination. I look at him ridiculously and say, "Who do you think I am, a hormonal teenager who needs to watch porn hiding from his parents? You're impossible, like really."

He still has that suspicious look on his face but letting it go he says, " I just came to tell you I'm leaving for the day and I'll see you in the evening. I have to get ready for that apology dinner." He says the last part winking at me.

"Mitch, what's the deal with Evelyn. If you're just messing around with her Stell won't be happy. You know her rule about not messing with her friends." I say sternly.

He licks his lips, he does that when he is thinking about something and says after a short pause, " Right now, I am not really sure. She is very intriguing, I mean the way she spoke to you without being intimidated that sure is something right. Women find it difficult to say one word to you without stuttering and she handled your angry being with such ease. Don't worry about Stell, I promise to not do anything she disapproves of."

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