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Jimin pov

Years of anticipation. Years of hoping that that letter would come through the letter box. Hoping, praying, wondering. And now here he was, standing in the great hall with his fellow first years, all equally agitated as he was as they stared up at the hat that was sitting on a three legged stool in front of them. He would finally be sorted.

Park Jimin's tiny hands played nervously with the hem of his sleeve on his robe as he waited for the tall, thin witch, draped in emerald green robes, to call out their names in front of them. He held his breath as she carefully unrolled a scroll holding the young student's names. He watched the professor, unable to take his eyes off her as he waited in baited breath for the names begin to be called.

"Kim Taehyung." The witches voice echoed out in the silence of the great hall.

Jimin watched as a boy with a shock of bubblegum blue hair made his way to the front, the other first years parting for him.

As the boy sat down, McGonagall lifted the hat above his head and gently placed it on top of him. After a few seconds silence, a small fold near the rim of the hat moved, and it came to life, contemplating its decision. Jimin watched, biting his lip.

"RAVENCLAW!" The hat suddenly shouted as the table decked out in bronze and blue erupted into applause as Taehyung got off the stool with a boxy looking grin and made his way, excitedly, over to the Ravenclaw table.

Jimin watched him as he sat down, shaking hands with an older boy with dimples who Jimin noticed supporting a shiny "head boy" badge on his uniform.

Suddenly the hall was silent again and Jimin's head snapped back to the front. McGonagall continued to call out names and one by one the first years were sorted into their houses.

"Park Jimin."

Jimin's breath hitched and he forced himself to put one foot in front of the other, desperate not to trip over in front of the entire school. The distance between him and the hat seemed like a mile away and he could hear the whispers of the students below him, guessing his fate.

"I'm betting Hufflepuff."

"Yeah look at him, he's such a cutie- gotta be a Hufflepuff."

"Hey, not all Hufflepuffs are cute!"

As Jimin sat down, gripping the bottom of the stool, he felt the hat slip over his head, covering his eyes, and blocking his view of the sea of curious faces below him.

Surrounded by darkness and the smell of old clothes, the hat began to speak. It had a rough sort of sounding voice, like that of an old man but wiser and more cunning.

"Ah, Park Jimin, eh? Not a bad mind, not bad at all, and there's courage too... now I could put you there but really, I think you would work best in SLYTHERIN!" The hat shouted the last word audibly to the rest of the great hall. It took a second before the hall once again erupted into applause, and as the hat was taken off his head, he was greeted with many surprised faces among the students below him. Eager to get out of the spotlight, Jimin stumbled off the platform and made his way over to the silver and green decorated table. He shook hands with the students who greeted him, and found himself sitting next to a rather pale boy a couple of years older than him with dark hair and cat-like features. The boy gave him a small smile and held out his hand politely.

"Yoongi." He said. And Jimin took his hand gratefully, smiling back.

"Jimin." He replied as the boy named Yoongi smiled again and nodded before facing back towards the ongoing ceremony.

"Jeon Jungkook."

Jimin watched as one of the remaining boys stepped up onto the platform. He was tall- at least he was to Jimin, with big dark, doe-like eyes. Jimin suddenly felt as if he recognised the boy. Knew him from somewhere, or just felt some strange feeling towards him. He shook the thought away and watched as he carefully sat down, the hat being placed upon his head. It took only a second or two before the hat shouted out "GRYFFINDOR!" And the boy's face broke into a bunny-like smile as he strode confidently towards Gryffindor's table, decked in red and gold.

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