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Jungkook's pov

After seeing Taehyung and Jimin so happy together, Jungkook didn't really know what had come over him. Perhaps it was jealousy- he wasn't sure, but whatever it had been it had motivated him to just look Lizzie right in the eye and ask her out.

Why? He wasn't sure. Was it really because he thought that dating her would take Jimin off his mind or did he just want to make Jimin jealous too? Not that Jimin would be jealous. He clearly didn't like him back.

Whatever the reason was- now wasn't the time to dwell on it. He had agreed to go out with Lizzie today and was taking her to Hogsmeade for the day and he couldn't be late. Despite the fact that he really didn't like Lizzie romantically at all, he knew that if he didn't go into this with an open mind then there would be no way he would benefit from it. That and the fact that he was already sort of using Lizzie anyway. He didn't need to be a bad boyfriend to her and turn up late for their first date.

Sighing, Jungkook pulled on some black jeans and a black sweater after showering. It took him five minutes to do his hair before he grabbed his long black coat from the hook on the back of the door and left his dormitory.

Lizzie wasn't yet in the common room when Jungkook got down there and so waited on one of the sofas.

Two minutes later, she descended the stairs from her own dorm in a short red skirt and knee high boots with a big fluffy white coat thrown over her shoulders.

She greeted him with a smile as she walked up to him before leaning up to kiss Jungkook on the cheek.

"Hey Jungkookie." She said sweetly.

Jungkook forced a small smile on his face as he let Lizzie take his arm. "Hey." He answered as they left the common room together, not noticing the pair of eyes belonging to Kim Seokjin as he watched them leave.

After the short walk to Hogsmeade village, the two were beginning to feel the cold.

"Wanna get a drink inside?" Lizzie asked as she clung tighter to his arm which was really starting to go numb. He smiled at her and nodded.


Once they entered the Three Broomsticks, the warm air hit them immediately.

"I'll get the drinks." Jungkook told her sweetly. "Go sit down I'll see in you in a second." He smiled.

Lizzie nodded and went to sit down somewhere.

Jungkook couldn't help but think about how only a week had passed since he and Jimin were here and Jungkook let his mind wander to the kiss. So much seemed to have happened since then. He had barely spoken to Jimin and now he was here dating Lizzie of all people.

"What can I get you?" Came the voice of the bartender, pulling Jungkook from his thoughts.

Jungkook cleared his throat. "Just two Butterbeers thanks." He smiled.

After getting the drinks, Jungkook scanned the pub for his date only to see Lizzie waving from a seat at the back.

Of course it had to be the exact same seat he and Jimin had sat only a week before.

Forcing a smile on his face, Jungkook made his way across the pub to Lizzie as he sat the drinks on the table before seating himself down right where he had sat last Saturday, Lizzie in Jimin's seat.

He secretly prayed that Jimin and the others hadn't decided to go to Hogsmeade today, if he were to see them sitting here like this he think he might just give up on everything. It had been a matter of hours since he had started dating Lizzie and he already just wanted to go running back to Jimin and beg for his forgiveness.

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