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Jungkook's pov

Namjoon was right. If Jungkook didn't even try talking to Jimin he wouldn't get anywhere. He needed to clear up this misunderstanding.

Jungkook hadn't bothered going to classes for the rest of that day and so found himself spending the remainder of his time in the rather empty Gryffindor common room since Namjoon had left to go back to the library to get back to his studying, leaving Jungkook to finish the excess homework which was beginning to pile up in his school bag what with all the Quidditch practice he had to fit in after lessons.

It wasn't long before the final bell of the day rang through the corridors from the bell tower and Jungkook was soon accompanied by the swarms of students coming back from their lessons as they took their seats in the crimson coloured armchairs by the fire in common room. The room soon filled with chatter and talk of the day's events, becoming louder and less easy for Jungkook to concentrate. But Jungkook hadn't really been focusing his full attention on his homework anyway, and so didn't find the noise that difficult to tune out as there was a certain Slytherin boy taking up all the thoughts in his head.

Jungkook was soon brought out of these thoughts however when a girl sat herself down on the seat next to him, annoyingly close.

"Where have you been all day?"

Jungkook looked up to see Lizzie looking at him with a frown on her face. "Have you been skipping classes?" She asked, widening her eyes.

"I needed some space." Jungkook mumbled, hoping that she would leave and get the hint that he wasn't in the mood for talking right now.

"I heard you and that pathetic Slytherin had an argument this morning." Lizzie said, ignoring Jungkook and clearly not getting the hint.

Jungkook glared at her. "I told you to stop bothering him." He muttered angrily. "And stop talking behind his back."

"Why? It's not like he's our friend. Besides, he can't hear me. I can say whatever I want."

"He's my friend." Jungkook replied, seethingly.

Lizzie laughed. "You sure Jungkook? I don't think he thinks that, does he? What was the term he used this morning? "You're just using me aren't you, Jeon?" " She said, repeating Jimin's words from earlier that morning. "You're not honestly gonna stay with him and those other weirdos are you Jungkookie? When are you gonna come back to us, huh? It's boring without you." She pouted.

Jungkook frowned at her. "What makes you think I'm coming back?"

"Well since you and Jimin aren't friends anymore, it's obvious you're not just gonna just sit alone and sulk forever. Besides, I know you're only pretending to be friends with him cause you feel guilty about what happened during the match. I know you Jungkookie, but seriously let it go already." Lizzie huffed.

Jungkook rose from his seat sharply, feeling the anger pulsing through his veins.

"I'm not pretending, Lizzie. And you don't know me, and I'm definitely not going to come crawling back to you. I thought you guys were decent people but clearly I was wrong." Jungkook snapped.

Lizzie stood up next to him so that he wasn't talking down to her before she laced her small arms around one of Jungkook's. "Come on Jungkookie, I-"

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" Jungkook shouted finally losing his temper as he shook Lizzie off. He had had enough today.

Lizzie frowned at him. "You let Jimin call you that." She spat. "I've heard him call you Kookie yet you don't shrug him off. Is this what this is about? You just like him more than you like me?"

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