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Jimin's pov

Mondays were the worst days on Jimin's timetable. Double Divination first thing, followed by Potions and then History of Magic in the afternoon. It was lucky they had Flying last lesson or Jimin didn't think he would be able to motivate himself to even get up in the morning.

After a lousy two hours of Divination with Professor Trelawney droning nonsense into their heads about their "destinies" and "visions of the future", Jimin finally seated himself down next to Taehyung in their potions class before pulling out his books.

"Hi Tae." He said to Taehyung who's head was deep in a book that he seemed interested in and didn't look up when Jimin sat down.

Taehyung looked up before putting the book back on the desk. "Sorry Jiminie, how was class?" He asked.

"Amazing." Jimin replied sarcastically.

At that moment, the door to the potions class opened again, revealing the usual bunch of talkative Gryffindors who seemed to all be following in Jungkook's footsteps as he strode into the classroom.

Jimin wasn't quite sure as to why he felt himself blushing when Jungkook entered the room with his hair slightly windswept probably from coming from outside, and his big doe-eyes all bright and alight with interest as he scanned the room before his eyes finally rested on the small Slytherin boy.

Jimin immediately looked away as Jungkook locked eyes with him and made his way over, sitting beside Jimin and Taehyung.

"Hi" He said a little breathlessly as he pulled the chair out beside Jimin's.

"Hi." Jimin replied back a little sheepish for some reason.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked to Jimin's surprise, giving him a little bunny smile.

Jimin only felt his face grow hotter before nodding as the Gryffindor smiled at him.

The three sat in an awkward silence for a minute or two, Jungkook playing with his quill as they waited for the Professor to enter the room.

Taehyung finally broke the silence by looking over at Jungkook. "You're not sitting with your friends?" He asked, glancing towards the back of the room where the usual cluster of Gryffindors sat.

Jungkook smiled, shaking his head. "I'm friends with you guys now aren't I?" He asked. "I wanted to sit with you."

The door was suddenly thrown open with a dramatic bang and the Professor strode into the room as the class fell instantly silent, turning their heads towards the front.

The students were all slightly scared of Professor Snape, with his tall figure, long black billowing robes and his sharp dark eyes that seemed to read one's thoughts as he stared down his students.

Jimin, despite being in the Professor's house and so easily gaining favouritism, still straightened his back and angled himself towards the Professor rather than his friends and noticed out of the corner of his eye as Taehyung and Jungkook did the same.

The lesson went by quickly enough, boiling potions filling the air with the thick, sickly scent of blended ingredients and the sound of chattering students as they followed the awkward instructions in their textbooks.

Jimin found that Jungkook's company was more enjoyable than he had envisioned as the Gryffindor worked beside them, chipping in with the other two's conversation and making the two of them laugh at his unexpected comments and blush at some of the others, causing Jimin to secretly thank that they had decided to let Jungkook into their circle of friends.

The bell finally rang for lunch and the class scrambled to pack away their things before hurrying out of the classroom. Taehyung said that he had to quickly run and return a book to the library, leaving Jimin and Jungkook to walk to the lunch hall alone together.

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