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Jimin's pov

Jimin awoke on the morning of his birthday to heavy rain and grey skies. He had double History Of Magic first and what with the weather being like it was, it dampened his mood a little despite it being his birthday.

Once he had showered and dressed, Jimin headed to The Great Hall. The sound of rain pelting down on the windows was louder as soon as he left Slytherin dorms since it was all under water. The skies were dark and rain hammered at the glass making Hogwarts seem cosy with it's glowing lights that lit the hall on the dismal morning.

Jimin spotted Tae sitting alone on the Ravenclaw table, his head buried in a copy of the Quibbler as he spooned cereal into his mouth. Jimin sat himself down next to him, causing Tae to look up.

"Happy birthday Jiminie!" The Ravenclaw shouted, discarding his magazine and throwing his arms around Jimin.

Jimin grinned.

"Thanks Tae." He replied, smiling as Taehyung shovelled pancakes onto Jimin's plate.

"It's tough luck to have double History Of Magic on your birthday." Tae commented as he went back to his cereal.

Jimin just grimaced. He and Tae had by now gotten used to the constant chatter from the Gryffindors behind them and simply chose to ignore them, though it had come to Jimin's attention that Jungkook hadn't bothered him once since the match against Hufflepuff. Even so, the lesson was a bore and Jimin had given up even trying to pay attention to Professor Binns' lessons.

There was suddenly a loud screech and the two boys looked up to see the mornings post being delivered. Two large tawny owls caught Jimin's attention as they flew down to the sea of students along with the rest of the owls. They were both carrying a large package wrapped in brown paper which was probably wet due to the rain outside. Jimin watched as the two owls flew down to the Ravenclaw table and was more than surprised when they landed in front of him and Tae.

Tae leapt up a soon as the owls landed on the table, moving his half eaten bowl of cereal out of the way so it wouldn't get knocked over.

"You order anything?" Taehyung asked, his eyes wide.

Jimin shook his head. "This isn't yours?" He replied.

Tae shook his head as Jimin reached out for the small slip of parchment attached to the side of the parcel. To Jimin, Happy Birthday from Eomma and Appa.

Jimin smiled, ignoring the owls as they helped themselves to Jimin's plate of pancakes and he excitedly started to tear the wrapping from the mysterious package.

"What is it?" Tae asked.

Jimin shrugged. "A birthday present from my parents- I don't know what though. I didn't expect them to send anything." Jimin confessed as he continued tearing off the brown paper before the present rolled into his lap.

Jimin and Tae just stared at it for a few seconds, speechless. In Jimin's lap sat a beautiful, glossy black broomstick with silver metal around the end of the brush.

"It's beautiful." Tae gasped as they both stared down it.

Jimin nodded back. He didn't know too much about broom models but there was no denying that the broom his parents had sent him was nothing less than stunning- a sleek brush, not a bristle out of place and a glossy black handle with silver etching stating the brooms model; nimbus

"You'd better take it back to your dorm before class." Said Tae as the two continued to stare it.

Jimin nodded quickly. "I'll see you in History of Magic." He said before leaping up, completely forgetting his breakfast which was now half eaten by owls and rushing back to the Slytherin common rooms.

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