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Jungkook's pov

If Jeon Jungkook was supposedly "good" at everything, then one would say that he excelled at flying. There was something exhilarating about the feeling of wind whipping through one's hair and the sense of defying gravity he soared through the clouds. Jungkook had been flying almost since he could walk and the sensation of rising up through the skies had become almost like second nature to him.

The first year Gryffindor strode confidently and eagerly through the grounds with his dorm mates- Thomas and Jinheung. Jungkook had been looking forward to his first flying lesson since the minute he had arrived at Hogwarts and having not had time during the last couple of days to get on his broom and fly around for a bit, he was looking forward to getting back in the air again. He had missed the sensation of the wind hitting his face and the air rushing past his ears, and he was eager to get to lesson.

The three boys joined the small crowd of impatient students on the grass outside who were waiting for their professor to arrive and start the much anticipated lesson. They all seemed to have picked out a broom from a pile of old Hogwarts broomsticks that lay near them. Jungkook and his friends went over to the pile and the Gryffindor tried to pick out the tidiest broom he could find; one that didn't have as many stray or unevenly cut bristles on the end of the brush, before rejoining the cluster of anxious students.

He was unaware of the eyes amongst his peers that followed him and the whispers uttered as he walked past. It was somehow common knowledge that Jungkook could fly pretty well, though Jungkook wasn't sure himself where his fellow students had got this information.

"Alright, class, get into lines and place your broomsticks on the floor beside you!" came a brisk voice, startling the students as they hurried to obey the command. Madame Hooch stood in front of them with her hands on her hips, long robes billowing out behind her in the slight breeze. She was a tall, slim lady. Young with short, cropped silver hair and a gleam of excitement in her cat-like eyes.

Jungkook stood next to a Ravenclaw boy with bright blue hair and an anxious expression on his face. He supposed that most students hadn't ridden a broom before, especially if they were from muggle families. The idea of growing up without being surrounded by magic sounded foreign to him, and he wondered what it must be like having to do everything by hand or using technology rather than just waving your wand to get tasks done.

"Right." Came the sharp but kind voice of Madame Hooch. "I want you to all stick your right arm above your broom, and shout "up"."

The shouts of "UP" suddenly filled the courtyard as the students struggled to lift their brooms from the ground.

Jungkook smiled as he looked down at his broom before quietly saying "up." Not a second later, the broom shot up and landed in his outstretched hand, and he felt the force of the magic as soon as it hit his fingertips.

He looked up to see the other jealous and admiring students around him who had noticed his broom shoot from the ground and into his palm. He was the only student to seemed to have accomplished the task as his other peers began to grow frustrated as their brooms wiggled helplessly on the ground below them.


From the corner of his eye, Jungkook watched as another broomstick shot up in the air into the hands of a small Slytherin boy on the other side of the blue haired Ravenclaw. He watched the boy with interest, having been the only person other than himself to get the broom to obey his orders. He was short and slim with sleek silver hair and dark, coffee coloured eyes and his robes seemed to be a little too large as only the tips of his small fingers could be seen poking out from the long sleeves. Jungkook smirked before taking his eyes of the boy and watched the other students around him. Slowly, one by one, the remaining students all managed to get their brooms to lift off the ground and fly up to their desperately outstretched arms after a good ten minutes of exasperation.

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