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Jimin's pov

"I hate him!"

After Tae had gotten his new textbook from the potions professor, he had seated himself down at the back of the library by a window, waiting for for Jimin to arrive so he could help him out with his charms, as he had been called back after class in History Of Magic with Jungkook to be given the details for their detention.

Jimin had spotted Taehyung at the back of the library, marching up to him, exasperation showing clearly on his face. When he reached Tae's spot, he slammed his books that he was carrying on the table angrily before taking a seat opposite his friend.

"Because of him, I have to spend an hour cleaning the trophy room on a Friday evening." Jimin complained, pouting. "We've haven't been at this school a week yet and I already seemed to have landed myself a detention."

Tae reached out and patted his friend's head sympathetically which was now slumped on the desk in front of him, his silver hair spilling out onto his books.

"I didn't even do anything." Jimin groaned, his voice muffled into the table.

"I know." Taehyung sighed. "At least Jungkook's getting detention too." Tae tried to reason with him.

Jimin scowled. "Great, not only do I have an hours detention, but I have to spend it with him." he spat out spitefully. "What did I ever do to him anyway?"

Tae just shook his head, trying to comfort his friend. "He's probably just trying to annoy us cause we're the only ones who don't seem to treat him like some idol. He'll get bored if we just ignore him."

Jimin nodded before pulling his wand from the inside pocket of his robes, sighing. "I guess." He answered before pushing all thoughts of Jungkook aside. "We gonna get started then?" He asked, giving a Tae a smile.

The Ravenclaw nodded, smiling back before pushing his bubblegum hair out of his eyes before taking out his own wand and began to help Jimin.


"You WHAT?"

"I can't practice for tryouts on Friday, Yoongi, cause I have detention." Jimin repeated.

Yoongi groaned. "When does your detention finish?"

"Like nine o'clock." Jimin grumbled.

Jimin, Yoongi, Tae, Seokjin and Hoseok were seated in the Great Hall eating dinner. Namjoon was off doing "head boy duties" as Seokjin had described it.

"Can you come before that then?" Yoongi tried to reason. "I can't let you come to tryouts when you haven't had proper experience on a broom."

Jimin nodded. "I suppose." he answered, sipping on his soup.

Jimin had to explain to his hyungs what had happened during History Of Magic that had lead him to getting landed in detention as Yoongi wanted him to come down to the quidditch pitch that Friday evening before tryouts the next day. The Slytherin captain was confident that Jimin would make a great seeker, but not without not having ever ridden a broom properly before, so since he and Hoseok who were known throughout the school as two of the best quidditch players in the school, despite being on opposing teams, the two had agreed to give Jimin a tutoring before Saturday came.

Seokjin frowned. "I didn't think Kookie would be the type to do something like that." He muttered. Right, Jimin had forgotten that Seokjin was in the same house as Jungkook. He supposed that proved that not all Gryffindors were as obnoxiously arrogant as his classmate.

"He's usually so sweet whenever I talk to him."

Tae chocked on his pumpkin juice, spluttering at Seokjin's words.

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