Oh No... *takes place one week later*

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Sophie stood up and sighed. Grady had not gotten better, and if you were going to visit him you had to ware a 'protective' suit that seemed to do NOTHING. And the worst part? The sickness was spreading. Elwin had it, Mr. Forkle/Master Leto had it, and almost half the school had it. Her imparter rang. Again, it was Biana. She had been the one providing the most support- All the adults were off doing work, Fitz was studying, Linh and Tam were working on there abilities, Dex was with Tinker, and everyone else was busy. She answered the call, trying to quickly put a good face on.

"Hey Bee! Watch are ya doing?"

She grimaced, and said, "Uh, studying I guess. But you are the one we are all worried about."

She gave Sophie a knowing look.

"Why don't you come over to Everglen. Sophie, we miss you. Ever since the spreading illness, you have been distant. And also, you seem immune to the sickness anyway. We need to go have fun!"
She said.

*at everglen*

Sophie and Biana were outside. Apparently, elves had a game similar to hide and seek, but if the Seeker doesn't find the Hider than they must receive a dare from the Hider. The other way around, too. So far Sophie had found Biana for the past five rounds, so Biana had to do five dares from Sophie. "Okay! Biana, dare number one... hmmmmmmmm.... I dare You to vanish and then sneak into Fitz's bathroom and make all of his hair products pranks!"

She sighed, but giggled.

This was going to be a long night.

Biana got up and did it. When she came back, Sophie was on the floor laughing with Biana. She giggled. Then laughed. Then snorted.

Sophie stopped laughing.

"Did... Miss Vacker of Eternalia just snort!?" Sophie said, faking disbelief.

Biana stared at her. Then nodded. They stared at each other, then, out of nowhere, Biana dissapeared.

Then a pillow smacked Sophie in the face.


Ok, my chapters are BAD. Like, horrible. And short...
I need a cover. Clearly. If anyone can make me one, I will forever be thankful. And will follow that person and read that person's fanfics, and dedicate a chapter to them.
Love from MallowMeltingKOTLC....
Tell me what type of stuff ya want!!

Ok, sorry, I will finish this chapter later or tomorrow. Tell me if you like it! Thank you. You truly are amazing!!
Also this book is mostly dedicated to kattris_hufflepuff and Potterhead207 (They are great so Check them out!) Also I hope I got that other user correct...!

Love from MallowMeltingKOTLC

The Society Of Forgotten Feathers: A kotlc fanfic (Book One: The Flock)Where stories live. Discover now