A Chapter

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Sophie POV

Everyone stopped everything and quickly went to aid Elwin. But it was no use, he had already gone into a coma and there was no getting them out of it. But we decided that he might as well be at a place he loves when he... is... Well, you get it. Wait, who the hell am I talking to?! I mentally shrieked. I have NO IDEA. But, seeing Elwin on the floor, made me want to throw up. We quickly called Tam, Linh, Biana, and Keefe over. Then, we went to the healing center and set up a cot in his Lab. I was, honestly, heartbroken. Because the person who saved my life countless (no, literally countless) times was as good as dead. Then we remembered that Mr. Forkle who wasn't dead just went into a coma too. And so did Jensi, Muraca, (A/N I think that's how you spell it) Marella, and all the students and teachers who had it too. Which left basically them, the Council, and the nobility.

Then Sophie's imparter rang. It had Councilor Oralie across the screen. Sophie grimaced and answered the cal, after going into the halll. Oralie looked pale and frightened. "Sophie, most of the nobility is out, maybe they had it and the real effects hadn't shown through yet. All that left is Alden and a few others. We are having an emergency meeting... And we want you to be there." As much as I hated how my 'mother' wanted my help, I knew that the fate of all the Infected would be partly in my hands. So, as much as I didn't like my mother, I said "Ok... When?"

The End! How was it? What or where or how will they solve the problem, do you think? If you want to make me a custom character, I will probably use it, or you could tell me your first name and part of your appearance and I can make that a character too. If you are making your own, give me this:

Eye Color

Hair Color

Skin Color


Name (Full)

Relatives (Made Up)

Please know that these characters aren't going to be elves...! I also Need the, on the neverseen's side. You can provide a backstory if u want. 

Love from,


The Society Of Forgotten Feathers: A kotlc fanfic (Book One: The Flock)Where stories live. Discover now