Fainting. And comas!!

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Sophie sighed. Typical Sophie, fainting at EVERYTHING. She could see a flower in the grass and faint, it seemed to her. Fitz, whom she just realized was there, must have noticed her worried and annoyed expression. "Hey, Soph, it's FINE. It was something huge. You don't need to have that look on your face." Edaline was standing in a corner, arms crossed, with a smirk. She wiggled her eyebrows at Sophie, and Sophie transmitted to her, REALLY, MOM? YOU HAD TOO?? WE AREN'T ANYTHING! I SWEAR. She almost added yet, but she knew her mom would practically be planning her wedding if she did. Edaline just gave her a joking glare and continued watching them with a smirk.

Sophie scowled.

"So... How long have I been out?" Sophie asked tentatively.

Elwin and Sandor shared a quick glance, which usually meant she was not going to like the news.

"Er... a day and a half."

"WHAT?!" Sophie screeched.

Sophie POV

"WHAT?!" I screeched. How could I have been out for soooo long? Then Elwin's imparter rang. He answered it... and furrowed his brows together. "The students that caught the illness all just went into a co-" Then he dropped to the floor with his eyes rolled back.

Heh heh... sorry for the short chapter. And, sorry So-anything-other-than-fitz shippers, this is STRICTLY Sophitz... sorry! And, srsly, I NEED A COVER. If anyone has a person they know that can do that, I will be so happy!!!



PS anyone wanna make a KOTLC/SkyFall fan club?? MESSAGE ME IF SO! 

The Society Of Forgotten Feathers: A kotlc fanfic (Book One: The Flock)Where stories live. Discover now