The Cabin-Chapter 17

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El had been in her room, looking for Billy or Heather or her parents or Mrs. Driscoll for half an hour and Mike was getting impatient again. Beverly was sitting on the couch, trying to contact Bill and the other boys, without any luck, I was sitting next to her with Max, Will was in the kitchen with Jonathan and Nancy, Richie was trying to learn how to do a handstand and Eddie was sweeping. Mike was pacing around the room again. I don't know why he is so worried. He isn't even dating her anymore.

"It can't be good for her to be in there for this long."

"Mike you need to relax." Max told him.

"What if she gets brain damage or something?"

"Oh shit!" Richie shouted. "Is that, like, a real thing?"

"No, it's not. He made it up. Mike doesn't know what the hell he's talking about."

"Oh, and you do?"

"No l-"

"Okay!" I yell. "I'm leaving this conversation." I get up and make my way to Richie, who seemed flushed from all the blood rushing to his brain.

"You good?" I ask him.

"Yeah, why?"

"No reason... I just think you should stop doing that before you get any dumber."

"Ha... Ha... " He laughed sarcastically. "How was I supposed to know that wasn't a drug?"

"Richie you can't go around smoking random plants. Okay?"

"That was a long time ago Y/n. Now I just flip upside down to get high." He said smiling. But my unamused face made it slowly fade.

"Okay, can you guys settle an argument for us?" Max asked Nancy, which caught my attention. I fact it caught everyone's attention. We all made our way to the kitchen to listen.

"Who do you think should decide El's limits? Mike or Eleven?"

"The way that you frame that is such bullshit!"

"It's not bullshit Mike. This is your whole problem. And it's also precisely the reason she dumped your ass!"

"El dumped you?" Nancy asked with shock.

"Yeah, because she is conspiring against me. She's corrupting her."

"No, enlightening her. The fact is, she's not yours. She is her own person, fully capable of making her own decisions."

"She's risking her life for no reason!"

"For no reason? Mike, the flayed are own there doing god knows what." Nancy explained.

"Killing..." Eddie said quietly.

"Flaying..." Beverly said under her breathe.

"Transforming into Monsters." Will said.

"Don't forget the clown." I said lastly.

"And El's not stupid. She knows her abilities better than any of us." Nancy told him.

"Exactly thank you!"

"And she is her own person.


"With her own free will."

"-Exactly." The two made Mike cringe.

"El has saved the world twice, and Mike still doesn't trust her."

"You want to talk about trust, really after you made Eleven spy on us with y/n and Beverly?" We all turned away in embarrassment.

"Wait, what?" Richie asked, now intrigued.

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