The Cabin 2-Chapter 18

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"He said he was building something." El said after we all calmed down. "That it was all for us three."

"Building something... Is he talking about the flayed?" Max asked.

"He must be." Nancy said from behind us.

"So he's building an army, just like we thought. cool..." Richie said with me sitting on his lap.

"Right, but he's not building this army to spread." Mike said.

"He's building it to stop us." Beverly whispered.

"Last year, El closed the gate on him. I have a feeling that really pissed him off."

"And pennywise must be pissed too if he skips his hibernation to come after us. Like, royally." Richie added.

"And the Mind flayed now knows that they're the only thing that can stop him. But if they're out of the way-"

"Game over." I said quietly as I laid my head on Richie's chest.

"He also said they were going to kill all over you." El said calmly as the group all gave horrified, and surprised looks, especially Will and Eddie.

"Yeah well, that's nice." Richie said sarcastically. Nancy heard a faint Screech come from outside.

"Do you guys hear that?" She said as she walked closer to the window.

"It's just the fireworks." Jonathan told her.

"Billy... When he told you this, it was here, in the room?" We all looked at each other then nodded. We all began to hear the noise get louder, as Will held the back of his neck.

"He knows we're here. Doesn't he?" I ask him hesitantly. He nodded.

We all ran outside in a line, watching the big fleshy spider looking beast approach us, with fireworks going off behind it.

"Go inside and barricade the windows with furniture." Nancy told us. The other teens and I ran inside and did as she said. Then finally when Nancy and Jonathan came back inside, they closed off the front door with the couch. All doors where closed and all of the windows were blocked.

"Get away from the windows!" Nancy told Mike and Eddie as the finished putting up the last window. We all stood In a circle. A big, paranoid, circle as we looked around the empty house, waiting.

The cabin started to shake. First, it was light. A few dishes clinked and a few lights flickered. But after a few seconds, the lights flickered more and more.

"It's close..." Eddie panted.

The trees shook and mugs fell onto the floor. Making us flinch.

"Where'd it go?" Someone whispered.

Everything stopped. No lights flickering, no dishes clinking, no trees rustling. Or so we thought. Just as it got unnervingly quiet, an arm looking thing bursts through the wall, causing us to jump out of the way. Its head turned our way and Jonathan slashed it with his axe which only made it madder. It smacked him into a nearby bookshelf, then attacked him when he was on the ground. Nancy began shooting it but then running out of ammo soon as she got into attention. El held the monster off of Nancy, just before snapping the tiny claw off of it, causing it to retreat back from the wall.

"Holy shit."

El stepped back to the group while I went back to the middle since I thought it was over. Two more came crashing through on both sides, aiming at me. I held my hands up, then yelling out as I pull my hands down, making the claws rip off. It was quiet again, which only meant trouble. I learned that the hard why when another arm came on from behind me, grabbing me by the ankle then pulling me up in the air, towards it. Richie ran to me, pulling my arm as I scream. The others came soon after, helping Richie pull me back down. Nancy stayed back to load her gun to shoot it off. The monster's mouth was feet away from my foot as they tugged.

"Nancy shoot it!" Jonathan shouted. Nancy shot, with little damage. The only one who stood back was Eddie. I saw him look at the axe Jonathan threw when it hit him. He grabbed it, jumped on the table, and swung it into the beast. Everyone pulling, Nancy shooting, Eddie cutting it, and me screaming for dear life.

After a few more powerful chops, Eddie cut it down, making me rally on the Richie.

"Y/n! Y/n? Are you okay?" Richie looked down at my leg which still had the claw wrapped around it. He ripped it off and threw it, making me bleed profusely. I scream in agony and pain.

"Sorry. There was something on your leg."


"Here you've done enough." Richie said picking me up and bringing me to the back of the room.

El and Beverly got up and looked at the animal in front of us, staring at us through the hole in El's ceiling. It's roared at them and they held both of their hands up and screamed back, ripping the beast right down the middle. Jonathan quickly grabbed Beverly, Richie grabbed me and Mike grabbed El and ran outside to the car as fast as we could before IT came out or that thing regenerates.

"Everybody out! Come on, go, go, go!"

We all got in as fast as we could, considering the fact I have a bad leg, and El and Beverly could barely see straight.

"Drive! Drive!" We yell as we speed away.

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