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I thanked the stars and the heavens that gym was over. I knew it would be my least favorite class. I pulled my schedule out from my back pocket, hoping that the next class didn't require me to have any type of athletic capabilities. I quickly skimmed and saw that English was my second class of the day. Perfect. I had no problem with that. Well other than speaking in front of the entire class. That was the hard part. It was upstairs. I walked at the speed of the hallway, smooth. Trying to keep up, but everyone already had their routine of walking.. I was new at it.

I saw the stair dead ahead and saw the millions of students going up and coming down from it. Okay maybe not millions, but at least a hundred. Right? I looked around to see if there were another way to get up there. Then something silver and shiny caught my eye. Ah. An elevator. I darted quickly to see if other students were using it. They weren't. Finally my heaven. I pressed the up bottom and waited impatiently for the doors to open. About fifteen seconds had gone by. They finally opened and no one was in there. I stepped in slowly then pressed the number two. The doors closed quickly and I was on my way up. Slowly but surely. I looked around, the elevator looked brand new. Unused.. Like it was just installed here. Oh god. What if they were still working on it, and I just went in? I probably squished someone. No. They would have had a sign. Right? The doors had opened and I was on the second floor. I took a step out and heard someone yell in my ear. "DETENTION FOR YOU SIR!" What? I didn't even know we weren't allowed to use them. I didn't say anything though. I just stared. A student here. Probably the size of an alien. Small yet powerful with his tone. Handed me a slip with a room number. He quickly pulled out his camera and snapped a picture of me, with the flash on. That bastard. He probably used the picture to post in the detention room, so they'd know who I am. I didn't say anything. Just accepted the slip and kept walking. I felt eyes on me as I walked straight ahead for English. I made it, I was early, or extremely late. No one was in class. I walked in and took my seat and the teacher was at her desk. And on the board. I saw her name. Ms. Boodiepicker. I laughed to myself. No wonder people weren't in here. It'd be nothing but laughs. Her name was a combination of "booty" and "picker". Her parents must have hated her.

I pulled out the necessary supplies for this class. Pencil, paper, binder, and pen. I waited for further instruction. More students started to enter the class. Finally. I wasn't alone. A group of girls walked in. They looked familiar. I gasped. It was Kassy and her friends. She lead them in the room like they were her army. She sat in the front row all the way to the right, whereas I was in the third row all the way to the left of the room. I had a perfect view of her, as well as she had a perfect view of me. I watched her and she pulled her supplies out. When she did, she quickly snapped her attention to me and I was instantly hypnotized by her looks. Oh god. How did she know I was staring at her. Did she already notice me when she walked in the room? Did she know I'd be here? Did she know my schedule? Oh no. I was that predictable.. I put my head down in shame, staring at the detention slip in my front pocket. That damn hall monitor. Why did they exist in the first place? He was another person on my list. First Tony the jerk, then the sleazy hall monitor with snot stains on his upper lip.

The teacher wrote instructions on the board and I immediately followed. Pulled out the book in the desk and began taking notes. The class wasn't as quiet as I expected. Everyone was texting, watching vines , and doing all sorts of things. I looked up towards Kassy and she was writing pretty fast. I couldn't tell what page she was on, but she wasn't at the beginning page that was listed on the board. She was ahead of that. I had barely put my name and date on the paper. Her friends wrote about the same pace as well, although they weren't as fast as her. I continued my work, and by the time I was done, class was over. An hour had gone by that fast. Wow. I was surprised. I had finished. Kassy had already finished way before that and was talking to her friends as quietly as possible. So quiet it look like she was talking to herself. But her friends could hear. They replied the same way. Almost like they all had really good hearing skills or Bluetooth devices in their ears. The bell finally rang and I was putting all my belongings away. As soon as I got up, everyone started trampling over me. What the hell? Was I invisible to the human eye? Or was everyone this cruel and rude? I finally made it through the crowd and the teacher grabbed my arm. I reacted in a way most people wouldn't. I dropped to the floor. After all the students exited the class, it was me and the teacher. She whispered in my ear "She's not what you think she is.." She said worried. What was she talking about? Kassy? No. Couldn't be. She wasn't dangerous. I snatched my arm away and walked out the door. Heading for the vending machine for a drink and something to eat. I felt dizzy.

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