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The burning pain, that was inside my charred body, was finally changing. The pain was finally leaving. But not completely. It was pulling back, all the way to my tongue. Right where it started. But something else changed as well. I could feel my body coming back to me. I could move. But for some odd reason I didn't. Because I knew if I opened my eyes or moved my mouth I would lose all my control. And at that moment, that is all I had. I reigned in the thought that the pain was receding towards my mouth. But why my mouth? Is it because that's where the burning began? I had so much room in my head to think. Like my brain was keeping tabs on what was going on. One part was keeping up with the burning substance, and another part was wondering about Green Skank, and another was thinking of Sam. Why? I had no idea. But it was there. And I hated the thought of it. So I focused on the burning, and how it was finally leaving. I was so happy.
Moments passed and new voices came in the room. Unknown but inviting voices. They were all smooth.. Deep, rhythmic, and more profound and than anything made by man. I had to listen.
"He's so beautiful." a woman said. "Yes he is. My boy." Sam replied. I've never heard such a compassionate statement come from his mouth. It was as if hearing God himself come from heaven and speak into your ear. Although he wasn't God. More the like devil. But it was in my ear. He was across the room but my hearing stretched far as if I were next them while they were speaking.. The sound was phenomenal.
"He won't have the same problems we did.. He'll have some type of control. My father said. Control of what? Being a vampire? How hard could it be? Just don't kill anyone. Right? Got it.
The burning got closer and closer to my mouth. It was at my throat. How much longer?! "It's almost time.." The unfamiliar voice said. She answered my question without me speaking. Almost like she read my mind? Could vampires do that? I prayed to the heavens they couldn't. My mind was a private place. And no one was aloud to be in it. Not even me. Because not even I could be trusted in there. As I laid burning inside and yet somehow beautiful on the outside, the pain now moved to my gums. This had to be the most painful.. Each flame licking at my mouth. It was the most painful thing ever. Like I was being drowned in lava. I held on longer and my heart was the only sound in the room now. It was beating like helicopter blades. Everyone listened in. It was going faster and faster till the point it took over everything in my mind. It began to slow down and I started to remember that I was becoming a blood crazed monster. The thought seemed scary, but hopefully I wouldn't look too different. Not to the people who already know what I look like. I wanted to be the exact same. Finally, I felt everything completely. It was sunny outside, I felt the heat of the sun, the dust motes falling to my skin. The air conditioner blowing across the room. Also, I could hear. I could hear each person breathing, the ants outside walking, the dust motes (again) falling to my skin and to the bed that was positioned to the left me. I could also hear cars passing by ten streets away. I was surprised by all of this. It was so much. I wanted to listen more. I could hear over my heart beat. Everything was crystal clear. Then the pain my mouth now faded by tiny degrees. Till the point where it met the same pace as my heart. It shuddered three times, twice, and then stopped with a single thud and my heart was silent. Everyone quit breathing in response to my heart stopping. I stopped my breathing at the same time and someone took one footstep closer. Sam. "Levan?" He called quietly. I opened my eyes in response, but didn't say a word.

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