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As I arrived back to my house, I walked in and noticed the footprints that were semi engraved in the floor. "Damnit." I said to myself analyzing where he exited. The front door of course. I dragged Jamarquis's body upstairs to my room and laid him on my bed. A slight breeze swooshed beside me. Sam was here. "Is he?" He asked without finishing his question, although I already knew what it was. "He's in the process of becoming like us. He's out because I - kinda knocked him out." I said with slight hesitation. I felt kinda bad for doing it, but if I didn't knock him out, then he'd still be screaming like a little bitch. "I'll help him." Sam said while holding my shoulder. I was beginning to actually like him. He was changing. Into a better man. And I was actually proud to be his son right now. I turned around and gave him a slight smile. "Thanks Sam. I-I mean Dad. Thanks Dad." I said. Scared at the fact that I called him Sam. I couldn't bring myself to look at him again after saying that. He laughed and gave me one last piece of advice. "His emotions are going to be all over the place. Be careful. Don't pressure him into anything." He said while walking out. I tried to keep that in mind. As I remembered no one was pressuring me. So I must help him, the way that I was helped.

Hours passed and Jamarquis was still out. I walked around my room waiting for him to awake. I played with things around my room, took a shower, and even set up the new iPhone Sam left for me on my dresser set. All the time in the world passed by and Jamarquis was still unconscious.

More moments passed and things began to change. I heard his breathing again. His heart still beating, but slowly. He was alive again.. But still paralyzed. "Jamarquis.. If you can hear me, I'm so so so sorry this happened to you. No one as innocent as you deserves this. I promise I will help you through this no matter what. You have my word." I said. He opened his eyes and looked at me with a very dull look. "Why did he do this to me?" He asked. I couldn't even give him a true answer because I didn't really know Brent's motive behind this. But I bet it was something personal. "I... I don't know. But I what do know is that, I'm going to help you. And so is my dad." I assured him. "What exactly am I?" He asked. I gathered up all the guts I had to tell him what he was. A vicious monster, who feeds on humans blood. A person who is strong, fast, and a predatory species. "You're a vampire Jamarquis.." I said while focusing on his mood. I couldn't tell whether he was happy or sad, or just plain lost. "So I'm like... Dead? Am I dead?!" He asked while getting edgy again. I pinned him back to the bed and told him, "Yes, you're dead and panicking won't make it easier, so get used to it!" I snapped. I felt a rush of guilt by going off on him like that. His eyes began to water, and I knew that I had made a mistake. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I'm new myself, and trying to get used to my emotions as well." I explained. "I trust you Levan." He said. "You know my name?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm the offices little pet. I saw your registration picture." He implied. "Oh, right!" I chuckled. "I'm sorry you're this way too. But look on the bright side, at least we are different from everyone else." He said while sitting up and channeling his emotions. "Yeah, I guess we are." I said. Thanking the stars that at least I'm alive.... Ish. Alive-ish. Ha!

"You must be really thirsty." I told Jamarquis. "I'll get you something." I said while exiting the room. "Okay." He replied. As I walked downstairs with numerous of thoughts going on in my head, I pulled out my phone and texted Brent. "You have a lot of explaining to do." And I sent the message. He obviously didn't reply but that didn't stop me from pursuing my motive. I went to Sam's office, and opened the fridge door and grabbed a blood bag and brought it back upstairs to Jamarquis. "Here." I said. "This is how you complete the process of becoming a vampire." I added. He took the blood bag, and ripped off the cap, and drained every drop from it. I was so tempted to join him, but didn't. I had to control myself. For his sake. And mine. He took it well, and I knew that he'd be a successful, yet functional vampire. But he still had lots to learn. But I was willing to teach him. And he was willing to learn. "I'm going to get through this." He said with a smile. I smiled back knowing that all hope was not lost for this boy who happened to get caught up in my world, now his world. He finished the blood bag, and I gave him the key to the guest bedroom to spend the night.

I laid in bed trying to undo all the stress I put on myself, and closed my eyes and tried to forget everything that happened, and plan for the future. Knowing that I had a new vampire in the house, and he was willing to cooperate. So I had no choice, but to stand by his side and make sure nothing ever harms him.

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