Safe Not, Wander Not

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"Okay, first of all, who the hell are you?" I said.

"So he is a vampire?" Kassy replied, with slight attitude.

I could see she was trying to find points to argue from. But I wasn't going to let that happen. She might have been older than me in vampire years, but she wasn't smarter than me at this point. If I can take care of myself ( a new vampire ) then I could clearly take care of another. I'm just doing what I did to myself, onto someone else.

"Maybe.." I said with a sharp tone. I suddenly felt a small breeze blow by my elbows, and recognized the scent instantly. Jamarquis was now in the room. His scent now filled the air. I looked at Kassy's face and she was in disbelief. Shocked at the fact that Jamarquis was in complete control of himself.

"Brent is such an ass.." She mouthed to herself. I could tell she was not going to leave my house without having a fight. "He's doing very well for someone who is barely a week old." I stated.

She began to examine his expression. But Jamarquis was completely still. Almost frozen. "And what about yourself?" She asked. "Umm..." I mouthed as well.. Shocked at the fact that she asked about me. Someone she claims to hate with all her guts after the gym incident.

"Can someone teach me more about being a vampire?" Jamarquis asked. I looked at him wondering if he could be a functional vampire and never have to go in hiding. "Yes.. I'll teach you mate." I replied. he smiled the kind of smile as if someone had made his day and he hugged me very firmly. "You're the best!" He said.. I didn't want to be the one that let him run ravage and crazy, and turn the entire Pearland town into a blood bath, with lives lost. I shuddered at the thought of that, pushing away that thought and hoping it would never come to that.

"Good! Then my work here is done." Kassy shouted. As if she did any work at all... I opened the front door to kindly escort her out of the house. "Thank you for your services. We'll be sure to let you know if something happens." I said.. Giving her the feeling that we needed her so much, when in reality we didn't. I gently closed the door, and a heartbeat was suddenly within my hearing range. Coming from exactly second step from the stairs. I turned around and beamed towards the stairs, only to wish I hadn't. "MOM! Seriously?" I screeched. "I was just making sure you kids were okay." she said with an off tone. "We're fine.." I assured her. She looked at me with a suspicious look and then began to walk to walk to the kitchen. A weird vibe inside me told me that she was listening to the entire conversation we had about vampires. Which is something she didn't need to know about. It was a delicate subject for her to grasp. It all made sense why Sam compelled her at the end of every night, to ensure that she doesn't find out about us. The vampires. Such as my father, Jamarquis, Brent, Kassy.. And me.. How did I feel so comfortable with lying to her? It wasn't right to lie to her. I had to find a way to let her know that I am a vampire, and that I'm still me.

"No you won't." Sam said while entering the house. "How did you?...." I trailed off. I wasn't crazy. Did he hear  what I was thinking? I stared at him while he walked in all cocky setting down the groceries on the front table.   "No, you aren't crazy, son." He answered my silent question. I was bewildered. "But how?" I asked. Curious as to how Sam could hear my thoughts. Was this a trick? Or was this a vampire ability? "No, and yes." Sam answered again, in response to my silent question.

He explained how he was able to read my thoughts. "You have to have a special connection with the person's thoughts whom you wish to hear." He explained. Pause. What special connection? We are always on different sides of the planet. Last time I checked, Sam wanted nothing to do with me... I trailed off in that thought, hoping and praying that he didn't catch that. "Son, my connection with you was made a long time ago. When you were first born. You're mother was unconscious after giving birth to you so the doctor placed you in my arms while they tried to revive her. Ha. And well, you looked up at me with those chocolate eyes and smiled the best smile ever. And at that moment, my world shifted. Completely. Nothing was the same. Since birth I could always hear what you're thinking. Because in that one fleeting moment, we were inseparable." Sam explained with such emotion. I teared up in a way. Heart pounding like bricks being slammed to a wall by the words that were just released from his mouth. So he's cared for me this entire time. He's loved me through it all. And at that moment, I felt something knit together in my head. Like a cord was missing from my already sharpened mind. And my heart connected a cord that was non existent. I didn't understand the feeling, so I looked to Sam to see if he knew what it meant. There was nothing there but silence. Sam was looking in my eyes with such happiness, and emotion. Jamarquis on the far end of the wall now, close to the stairs. I smiled at my father and knew in that moment, that things were about to get much better with out relationship. "We're now linked. Which means I can hear your thoughts, while you can hear mine." He said. And at that moment, I felt complete. As well as he did. So there wasn't much to hide from each other now. We were all one. Except for Jamarquis. He was somewhat alone.

But nothing else mattered right now, now that I have my father to my side. Sam would never  be able to keep a private mind around me. That was for sure.

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