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The sound of someone mowing their lawn wasn't the first thing, I wanted to hear. But I had no choice. Someone just had to do it on a Wednesday. Why not Saturday? I wasn't used to this. I slowly got up from my bed feeling every single thing that hurt me yesterday. All came rushing inside of me. I was shocked by this pain. Like someone slapped the hell out of me with a bus. This was pain I couldn't endure. I went into my mothers medicine cabinet and took two pain pills. "Ew.." I whispered. They tasted like complete crap. I spit out what was left in my mouth and began brushing my teeth. Thinking of Kassy and all her glory. I couldn't wait to see the one person and that school who knows nothing of my existence. Well until yesterday when she saw my path of doom as I fell from the bleachers. As I replayed that moment in my head, I felt the pain in my shoulder and hip. I was under attack ---- from the inside of my body. I shuddered. I got dressed and grabbed my homework, bag, and keys, and I was out the door. Trying not awake anyone. I walked outside quietly only to see my mothers car and mine. Sam was gone. Again. Wasn't a shocker, but where was the man? What was so important that he'd barely be home? Was it his job?

I got in my car and dropped all my things in the passenger seat. Thinking of Brent. Did he need a ride? I passed by his house and knocked on his door. His mother answered the door. "Oh, hey there Levan!" She said excitedly. "Morning." I said looking away. "Is Brent here?" I asked. She paused and looked away, and then look back at me and began talking again. "Actually, he left with some beautiful girl." Beautiful? What girl would be out of their mind to be with Brent. Not that there was anything wrong with him, but it's Brent. Cmon now. "Oh okay, thank you." I said and walked away. "Take care" she yelled. I waved back and got back in my car and sped off to my destination. School. I arrived and parked. I grabbed my stuff and got out quickly, scanning the area for Brent. It was now my mission to find him. I went to the office to see if he had called in sick and ditched school. But he hadn't. I texted him asking where he was, and waited. The bell had rung and it was time to go to first period. Gym. Oh god. Why? I curse the lady who made my schedule. She must have seen my lazy record. What if all the teachers have? I got to gym and I scanned this area as well. Searching for Kassy. She wasn't anywhere to be found. I began breathing heavily. I was getting nervous. Kassy wasn't anywhere to be found; as well as her group of friends, and Brent was missing as well. This wasn't good. Could the guys he had been hanging with yesterday done something. My phone vibrated. It was a message from Sam. "Don't get into anything that you'll regret." He wrote. What? Had he been watching me? I was going to look for Brent no matter what. He was my best friend. He'd do the same for me.

Classes went by and Brent nor Kassy had been in any of them. Not even the group of girls. Was this planned? The thought that Brent had a move on my girl -- my soon to be girl had upset me inside. No. He warned me from her. So why would he make a move? I calmed down and let go of that small anger. But the thought still remained.

Lunch came and I sat alone. By choice of course. I had to figure some things out. Things like, where was Brent? Where was Kassy and her friends? How will I find them? Everything came to one thought. Leave school and find them. I got up and walked out the back door and got in my car. Keeping my head down to avoid any attention. I drove out and began my search for them. I checked the park. Empty. I checked the town center. Empty. I checked the hospital. Empty. Although there were a few officers surrounding the building. Wonder what that was about.. No. Focus. Kassy and Brent. That was the main thing to do. I kept calling while I was searching. No answer. I didn't have Kassy's number. So there was no point in calling. I kept driving and looked to my right to see the graveyard, and there were a couple of people standing over a stone. I pulled up slowly but kept distance. And they looked back. Brent. Kassy. The girls. All looked directly at me. I was shocked to see them. I blinked for a slight second to be sure and when I opened my eyes. They were gone. It was just a hallucination. One that I had to forget. I needed to eat something. I drove home and quickly ran into the kitchen and grabbed orange juice and ran to my room. And he was there. In all black. Clothes were as if they were from Forever 21 and Aeropostale combined. Looked very expensive. This face was familiar. The same face I saw at the graveyard. It was Brent. He looked different. All the imperfections he had, were gone. The scar that had always been on the right side of his cheek was now gone. Replaced by smooth skin. I knew him, but then again, I didn't. "How did you get in here?" I asked. "The window." He said. "What? Is that even safe? What if you hurt yourself?" I asked warily. "I can take care of myself now Levan. I'm not a kid anymore." He said with a sharp tone. As if I were his father and he was just ending a relationship. "Okay.. Well I was looking for you." I told him. "Yeah your father told me." He said without any hesitation. What?! He spoke to Sam?! No one speaks to Sam. That was just abnormal. Why had they been talking in the first place?

"Hold on." I said looking at him with an angry look. I saw his hand as I was leaving. He had a stone that matched Kassy's. It was black but his was in ring form. I called my mother to come and returned back to my room. But something was missing again. Brent. Where did he go? Was I imagining this whole thing? No he was real. I spoke to him. But how did he leave that fast. I saw my unopened orange juice and felt a little light headed. I took a step and I fell to the ground. I was unconscious. I couldn't move. But I could hear. I could hear my mom panicking. But I wasn't worried about that just yet. I was thinking of that ring on his finger and how he left my room in an instant. Or maybe, I was losing my mind. No. I was sane. But I didn't understand why I passed out.

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