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Their whole lives, my sons begged Greyson and me to take them off Maslot, and now we had no choice but to fly from planet to planet, seeking hospitality with Resistance allies. The purple lightsaber I carried earned us sanctuary most places, but that small assurance did nothing to quell the storm of fear and anger and despair that roiled in me at all hours of the day.

Ben grew up healthy and strong, and Klint and Farrow loved him as they did each other, even though he looked different from the rest of us. Greyson treated him like his own son, and every day I felt newly grateful to have such a loving, compassionate husband.

"Don't worry," he whispered to me when we laid in bed together, either in a makeshift cot or on the floor or a spacecraft or in a creaking hammock. "They won't find us."

I tried to believe him, but the First Order had power we couldn't imagine. Even though we evaded capture for a few years, there was no guarantee that our good fortune would keep up. We had to remain vigilant.

Guilt ate me up inside because part of me hoped they'd find me. Part of me wanted to see his face again.

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