My vampire prince 3

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I expected to wake up and yesterday to be a dream but I woke up staring at a white canopy instead of my glitter covered ceiling.

I made me smile slightly; when we were kids Mariah and I got glitter guns and wrote stuff on the wall so when the sun shined on it it shined back.

I looked around the room confirming that the night I was bit and yesterday was not a dream. Also that vampires and werewolves do exist.

“You’re awake.” My head snapped over to the body by the bathroom with a towel around his waist.

My eyes widened as I looked down his, very toned, muscular, and wet chest. My eyes drifted lower but were stopped by the towel. He chuckled softly making me look him back in the eyes.

He walked over to his dresser grabbing boxers then walked into the closet. The doors closed and the light turned on. I blushed at my dirty thoughts and got up.

As I stretched I glanced over at the mirror then frowned seeing something on my hip. I walked over lifting my shirt and saw it was a black tattoo… that’s funny I don't remember getting one, I was underage after all, my 18 birthday was in a few weeks though.

I pulled my sweats down to show the top of my butt and looked it over. It when across my back and my eyes widened as it went up my spine. I pulled my shirt off and pulled my hair out of the way.

I was frozen. I had a black tattoo that went down my spine like an inch or so thick and span out like pointed spikes or something. I faced the front and saw that I had spikes on my hips, my waist, below my boobs, and then on my back it just had weird swirly design. In all honestly it looked pretty awesome.

“Nice tattoo.” I whipped around to look at the now fully clothed guy… I don't believe I have ever asked his name…

I quickly pulled on my shirt with a blush, “Thanks… I have never seen it before though…”

He raised an eyebrow as he came closer and out of instinct my back hit the mirror and a look crossed his face, “I'm not going to hurt you.”

I looked down almost out of shame, “How am I supposed to know that? I don't even know your name.” I muttered softly, knowing he could hear me since he was a vampire and all.

He sighed stopping a foot or so away from me, “My name is Damien.”

I remembered something, “Why did the guy refer to you as the prince?” He sighed softly running a hand through his hair giving it a sexy messed up look.

“I'm the prince of vampires, a pure blood, and a very strong vampire.” My eyes widened, he was stronger than the other ones? I didn't know there were different strengths or what not.

He slowly stepped forward and my body tensed. He stopped then held out his hand, “And you are?”

I eyed his hand then gulped stepping away from the mirror and grabbed his hand trying to be confident, “Willow, nice to meet you, Damien.” I let my hand drop after shaking his hand.

A smile smile flowed onto his lips, “So how about you get cleaned and I will have someone send up some clothes.”

He went to turn around but I grabbed his bicep which was very muscular, “Where are you going?”

He glanced down at me as I stood by his side, “I have some business to attend.”

I frowned but let go of his arm, he brushed my hair back smiling slightly, “See you in a bit my willow.”

He ran his hand down my cheek and off mine chin with a small smile then walked away and out the door.

I blinked looking down with a blush, I didn't know vampires could be so affectionate… maybe he only likes me for my blood.

My vampire prince (sequel is 'a new life' please check it out)Where stories live. Discover now