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Hey guys! Celestial Dragon here. I have been reading a lot of Superflash stories lately and thought I would give it a shot. So here we are! Anyway, this is based off of a fanfic I read called 'Welcome to earth 1.' I hope you enjoy it! Without further ado, on with the story! Celestial Dragon out.


"You see Kara, you don't need you're powers to be an hero."

Kara looked down at the photo in her hand that was taken by James Olsen during the bank robbery just a few minutes prior. In it, a woman with blond hair with a bright blue and red suit with the symbol S displayed proudly on the center of her chest with a diamond border outlining it could be seen grabbing the gun slowly from the robber's hesitant, outstretched hand. She was poised elegantly, her feet clad in red boots stood one in front of the other, her shoulder set back with a gentle, friendly smile on her face. All in all the woman in the photo looked powerful, yet caring at the same time.

Truthfully, Kara had been absolutely terrified when the robber had pointed his gun at her because for the first time in her life, she had not been bulletproof, as she had blown out her powers in a fight the day before. She was, and still is, completely vulnerable, having been human for only a little over a day left her feeling defenseless. Despite feeling utterly terrified and defenseless, she was quick to jump in to stop the robbery, determined to save the day, even at the cost of her life, to the protest of her sister and her friends.

However the outcome had turned out good in the end. Though in the eyes of the media, National City's protector stopped yet another crime, it was Kara Danvers that convinced the robber of another way, a better way.

She had been ecstatic, as she walked down the streets of National City after stopping in an alleyway to change back to her civilian persona. She felt powerful, even though she had not gotten her powers back yet, she felt like she could do anything. A sudden crash on her right had her alert and looking around for the source of the loud noise. After finding nothing out of the ordinary, she shrugged it off and continued down the side walk, when another crash soon followed, this time louder and closer to her than the last. Quickly taking in her surroundings, her heart started to increase its pace as she glanced around at the empty streets, not a soul to be found. Her eyebrows furrowed as looked to the sky, eyes widening in surprise as she realized how late it had become.

How did I not notice that before? She silently thought to herself. Had she really been that oblivious to her surroundings, too caught up in her thoughts to not notice the amount of time that had passed?

She was interrupted from her musings as another crash followed, this time right behind her. She spun around, eyes darting back and forth trying to find the source of the crashes while taking deep breaths to calm her racing heart. Her senses were alert, hands clenched in fists as she took on her fighting stance.

Having my powers right about now would be very useful, she mentally told herself. She felt unarmed, like she was too easy of a target.

She felt a hand on her shoulder for a split second, before she found herself face first in the rough concrete below. She let out a painful yelp as her body made contact with the ground hard, her hands immediately flying to her torso to nurse her bruises that would surely form by tomorrow.

Looking over her shoulder at her attacker from where she was laying on her stomach on the ground, she saw a figure dressed in black with a lightning bolt symbol on his chest. Flipping over to her back, she backed away from the figure as it slowly made its way towards her in a sinister way. Cursing, when her back hit a brick way stopping her poor attempts at escaping from the figure as it drew closer and closer. Her eyes widened in fear as she saw its hand vibrate, reaching towards her chest. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down from having a panic attack that would surely not help her situation.

I am freaking Supergirl, this creature has nothing on me.

With that resolve in her mind, she drew back her fist and punched it across his face, taking the creature by surprise. Unfortunately, her punch didn't phase him like she had hoped it would, rather take him off guard. Taking that as her ticket to escape, she stood up, before running along the street, arms crossed against her stomach as she shouted for help.

Before she could make it around the block, the figure caught up to her, slamming her head into the ground. Dazed she slowly brought her hand to her head, which had started to gradually bleed heavily, the figure in black stood above her with a sinister smile on his face as his bent down to finish her off, only to be sucked into a blue portal as an orange streak abruptly tackled him and flashed him back into the breach. She vaguely felt herself getting swept away from the ground and into the breach as she slowly lost conscious. The last thing she saw before the darkness engulfed her was a woman with brown hair that cascaded down her shoulders, wearing a white lab coat, gently shaking her shoulders, eyes filled with concern and confusion as her mouth moved, yet she heard no words that were being spoken. The ringing in her ears intensified and her head felt like it was going to explode. Only just before she went unconscious did she realize what the woman was saying.

Stay with me, don't go to sleep! Do you hear me? Stay with me!


Word Count: 1014 

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