Chapter 8: Operation Karry

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Previously on Superflash: Far From Home

"This causes for a celebration! Drinks on me, everyone!"

Laughing, the group of four made their way out of STAR labs, closing the facility for the day. Kara glanced at her friends as they made there way towards a bar Cisco was familiar with. Caitlin looped her arm around Kara's as they strolled towards their destination, chatting happily at their new victory.


The group of four made their way to an empty booth in the back that they had spotted upon their arrival at the bar. Kara took her seat after Caitlin as the boys sat across from them, Barry across Kara while Cisco sat opposite Caitlin. Kara took the time to properly look around the bar as the three members of the flash team started talking about their victory a few hours prior. It was a little crowded, especially the center area where many drunken people were grinding against each other as they attempted to dance to the fast beat of the song. A gentle nudge to her side brought her attention back to her friends, only to realize they were all looking at her expectedly. It was then that Kara realized that they had asked her question and were waiting on an answer from her. Clearing her throat with a slight blush present on her face, Kara asked them to repeat the question once again.

"We were just asking what you would like to drink, Cisco here is going to go get us some drinks."

Kara went to fix her glasses, pushing the bridge of it over her nose as she folded her hands neatly on her lap.

"Oh, just water is fine."

Cisco groaned, leaning forward against the table diagonally so that he can face Kara as he spoke.

"Come on Kara! We are at a bar to have fun and get drunk! Let loose, girl!"

Kara raised an eyebrow in amusement, staring at Cisco with a small smile on her lips as Cisco crossed his arms across his chest and mock glared at her in an attempt to change her mind.

"I have a high tolerance to alcohol, Cisco. It takes a lot to get me drunk, so I doubt that I can get drunk tonight."

A strange glint entered Cisco's eyes as a wicked smile took place on his lips. He rubbed his hands together in a way he appeared to be scheming something. Caitlin and Barry watched with amusement as Cisco struck his hand out to Kara.

"Challenge accepted. One drunk Kara coming right up!"

Kara lightly chuckled and brought her hand out to shake Cisco's, her eyes shining with mirth as her lips pulled into a wide grin.

"I doubt it Cisco, I really do. My sister tried to do it multiple times and failed, so I doubt that even the great Cisco Ramon could do it."

Cisco gasped dramatically, pulling his hand back from Kara's and placing on his chest in a wounded manner. Caitlin sighed and shook her head at the pair, although no one could deny the fond smile that rested on her lips as she viewed their playful banter.

"I'm going to make you eat your words, Danvers."

Kara's smile widened at Cisco's antics as she tapped her fingers lightly on the table in a steady rhythm. Her eyes filled determination as she leaned slightly forward, her eyes narrowing mockingly at Cisco.

"Bring it on Ramon, get ready to lose."

Cisco struck his tongue out at her childishly as he made his way to bar counter to get the drinks. Before he left their table though, he turned around and placed his hands against hips and smirked at Kara.

"The great Cisco Ramon never loses! Prepare to face defeat young pediwan!"

Kara laughed, her eyes crinkling around the edges, smiling as well. Barry smiled, admiring how beautiful how laugh sounded. Caitlin chuckled along as she placed her elbow on table and rested the side of her face on the palm of her hand.

"We shall see Cisco, we shall see."

With that said, Cisco turned around and made his way to the bar counter, bumping many people on his way there and muttering apologies under his breath as he went. Kara turned her attention back to her two remaining friends, only to find them gazing happily at her. Suddenly feeling self conscious, Kara tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as she once again reached to fix her glasses over her nose.


Barry chuckled as Caitlin smiled at Kara, both enjoyed seeing the playful side of Kara. Since accidentally coming to their earth, she had been polite but closed off, with what being in a new, strange world and all. So Barry and Caitlin took great joy in watching Kara let her guard loose a little and relax for the time being.

"Nothing, it's just you look really cute when you get all fired up like that."

Kara blushed at Barry's words as she licked her lips which suddenly felt very dry. Averting her gaze from his, she didn't see the similar blush that took place on his cheeks as well. Caitlin grinned, her gaze switching back and forth across the two people who clearly like each other as more than friends. Making up an excuse of going to the bathroom, Caitlin stood up and left the couple to themselves, grabbing Cisco along the way as he made his way back to the table with the drinks.

Cisco yelped, startled by the sudden course of direction before being pulled to an abrupt stop behind a plant a few yards across their table. Checking to make sure he didn't spill any of the drinks in his hands he glared at Caitlin, who put a finger to her lips and pointed to the couple seated across from each other at their table, taking shy glances at each other, blush still present on both their faces, now realizing that they have been left alone together.

Cisco bit his tongue in an attempt to muffle his squeal, turning to look back at Caitlin who was wearing a similar expression herself. Looking at Cisco with wide eyes filled with determination, Caitlin nodded towards the couple with her head as she came up with ideas to get Kara and Barry together.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?"

Cisco nodded his head in agreement as he set down the drinks on the floor, peeking out from behind the plant to see the couple laughing and holding hands across the table without even realizing what they were doing. Mind made up, Cisco gazed back at Caitlin with the same determination reflected in Caitlin's in setting their friends up together.

"Oh yeah, big time. Operation Karry is a go."


Word Count: 1131

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