Chapter 2: Encounter

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Previously on Superflash: Far From Home

The girl seems to relax under Caitlin touch eventually as she recognized her voice from earlier, before she passed out. Sighing in relief as the frantic beeping slowed down, indicating the steady beating of her heart, Caitlin focused her attention on the woman before her dressed in dark blue jeans and a baby pink top, now calm and gazing at her with cautious eyes. Her right hand grasped the gold heart pendent around her neck that rested on the middle of her chest. The tone of her voice was soft and friendly with an underlying firmness that portrays her alertness over her current situation.

"Where am I and who are you people?"


It was silent for a minute with only the soft beeping of the heart monitor to fill in the quiet atmosphere that had appeared around the four people in the room. The blonde woman looked at each and every one of them, her gaze lingering on a man with brown hair and electric green eyes dressed in a red suit. She looked curiously at the lightning bolt on his chest for a moment before bringing her eyes up to his, to meet his gaze that was analyzing her up and down.

Caitlin lightly cleared her throat, snapping the man from his staring as he blushed red in embarrassment at having been caught. The woman focused her attention on Caitlin, who seemed to be the only one who was willing to answer her question at the moment. Caitlin gave a friendly smile to Kara who returned it with one of her own.

"Hi there sweetie, my name is Caitlin Snow. What's you name?"

Caitlin brought her hand in front of her for a handshake, watching silently with her other two companions as the woman hesitantly brought her own hand out and grasped the outstretched hand in her own.

"My name is Kara, Kara Danvers. Nice to meet you Miss Snow."

Caitlin smiled and shook her hand, wincing a little when she shook her hand a little too hard. Kara seemed to notice her discomfort and made to pull away, only to be stopped by Caitlin's other hand on her shoulder. She relaxed and threw a smile in Caitlin's way when Caitlin squeezed her shoulder to reassure her that she was fine.

"Please, just call me Caitlin. Miss Snow makes me sound older than I actually am."

Kara laughed a little, her face adopting a small grin as her eyes lit up with mirth, her closed, defensive posture turning into a causal, open one.

"Only if you would call me Kara."

Caitlin grinned as she shook her hand once more, noting the light tone of her voice, the underlying firmness that was there before had mostly disappeared.


A cough disrupted their conversation and both girls looked to the source of the noise to find Cisco staring at them in amusement with an eyebrow raised. Kara immediately stiffened and narrowed her eyes at him in distrust, leaning slightly into Caitlin as she is the only person in the room that she was currently familiar with. Caitlin noticed her discomfort and gave her shoulder a small squeeze before sitting on the edge of the bed next to her, hesitantly wrapping her arm around Kara's shoulder. Kara relaxed and shot Caitlin a thankful smile before returning her attention to the man with dark shoulder length hair who stared at her with awe. Caitlin shot Cisco a pointed look who shook his head and came towards her with his arm outstretched and a smile on his face.

"Hey, my name is Cisco. Nice to meet you, Kara was it?"

Kara nodded her head as she grasped Cisco's outstretched one, giving him a small smile as they shook hands. He seems nice enough and Caitlin seems to trust him so Kara would let down her guard a little, for now.

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