Chapter 18: New Hero In Town

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Previously on Superflash: Far From Home

"Barry, it's Cisco. We have a situation and we need the Flash now. Bring Kara to the Cortex with you."

Barry nodded and confirmed to Cisco that he would be there in a few, the smile on his face faltering into a frown in worry at Cisco's concerned voice. He looked towards Kara who seemed to understand what was going on as she stood up with her arms extended towards him.

Within seconds Barry had Kara in his arms bridal style as he disappeared from his apartment, running quickly to STAR labs with Kara safely tucked in his arms. He let out a mental sigh as he stopped in the Cortex, gently setting Kara to her feet.

No rest for the weary it seems. 


Clang, Clang, Clang.

The sound echoed throughout the hall as a man with a well built body continued to do pull ups on the salmon ladder. Sweat ran across his shoulder and back but he paid no heed to it as he continued to exercise.

Clang, Clang, Clang.

A woman with blonde hair tied in a ponytail and black rimmed glasses walked into the room, observing the man as he worked out for a few minutes before opening her mouth to speak, to let her presence be known.

"We have a situation."

The man grunted, stopping for a moment to acknowledge her presence before continuing what he was doing, scaling up and down the salmon ladder in a steady pace.

"What sort of situation?"

The woman sighed and walked next to the equipment that the man currently worked on, waiting patiently for the man to finish his reps and stand in front of her, giving her all his attention.

"I ran the scans like you asked."


The woman handed a manila folder to the man who took it from her hands and flipped through it's contents, eyes analyzing each and every detail within it with precision. When he finished, he handed the folder back to the woman, turning around to wipe his body with a towel before grabbing what looked like a green suit, a bow and a quiver of arrows along with a green mask to match.

"Prepare the plane and inform Dig, Felicity. It's about time we payed our friends in Central City a visit."


"Why are we going on a plane when we could've flown on the private jet?"

"It's less conspicuous that way, easier to blend with the crowd."

Before Diggle could retort, the voice of the air hostess sounded through the speakers, announcing people to buckle up their seat belts as she proceeded to explain the safety measures in case an accident were to occur. The blonde woman, Felicity, sat in-between the two with a giddy smile on her face as she spoke in a quiet whisper to the two men accompanying her.

"I can't wait to see team Flash again! There is so much to talk about! I wonder if Caitlin got a boyfriend or if Cisco finally got out more and found himself a girl. Oooh, do you think Barry finally got a girlfriend? He should, he definitely should or maybe he already has and we just don't know it! Oh, Oliver do you think--"

Diggle suppressed his laughter as Oliver shot Felicity a look making Felicity abruptly stop her rambling as she sheepishly smiled and rubbed her hands together.

"Sorry, I'm just really, really excited to see our friends again."

"We can see that."

Diggle raised an eyebrow in amusement as Felicity flushed and grabbed a magazine from the seat pocket in front of her to finish the Sudoku puzzle behind it as the plane started to take off.

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