Chapter 4: Struggle

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Previously on Superflash: Far From Home

Caitlin made her way to the main room in which she could hear Cisco talking to Barry on the com. He seemed distraught, calling onto Barry's name with urgency, hoping to hear an answer from his friend. Caitlin immediately made her way to Cisco's side and watched his vitals spike up on the computer screen. She cursed and abruptly grabbed the ear piece from Cisco, her concerned voice echoing throughout the lab.

"Barry? Barry, can you hear me?"

Barry's loud and heart breaking scream was the last thing they both heard from him before his com went dead.....

..and with it, his heart. 


20 minutes prior...

A beep from one of the computers in the cortex, interrupted Barry's response. Cisco and Barry rushed to the control room while Caitlin stayed with Kara. Cisco immediately began typing on the computer, pulling up the feed from one of the security camera's on the street recording the metahuman attack. Barry crossed his arms over his chest, looking over Cisco's hunched shoulder as he pulled up the coordinates, before taking off from STAR labs. Cisco voice rung clearly from his ear piece as he zoomed through the streets of Central City towards the scene of the crime.

"What are we dealing with Cisco?"

He could hear the sound of Cisco's fingers dashing on the keyboard as he tried to get a closer look at the meta, observing his powers. After a few moments, Cisco's voice sounded through the com again.

"From what I can tell it appears to be a pyrokinesis. He can control fire that is around him, but it seems like he can't create one himself."

Barry nodded in determination, only to realize that Cisco could not see him nod so instead pressed his com and answered to show Cisco he understood.

"Got it."

Barry smoothly skid to a stop as he arrived at the scene of the attack, only to see the metahuman wrecking havoc on innocent by standers that happened to be in the wrong place, wrong time. Quickly flashing all the civilians out of range from the meta, he came to stop in front of the pyrokinesis, who was looking around in confusion as to where all the by standers had disappeared.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you, not play with fire?"

The meta whipped his head to find the Flash standing with his arms crossed in front of him with a smug smile on his face. The meta's eyes glowed a bright orange as the once small fires grew into large and tall flames, increasing the temperature around its surrounding area. The smile fell from the Flash's face as his suit clung uncomfortably to him and as sweat started to form at the sudden increase in temperature. The meta smirked at the hero's discomfort, laughing as he increased the already hot room to extreme temperatures.

"You played with fire Flash, and now I'm going watch you burn."

Barry cursed, pressing a hand to the com in his ear to talk to Cisco. His suit has not yet burned through thanks to Cisco's upgrade, but he didn't want to find out how long his suit could last, how long it takes for the fire to burn through.

"Cisco? A plan would be really helpful right now."

Cisco's reply came instantaneously through his com. He could hear someone struggling in the far background and could very faintly hear Caitlin talking to someone.

"Dude, you gotta cool him down."

Barry rolled his eyes as he dodged a kick that headed his way before ducking his head as to avoid a flaming punch that was aimed at his head. His breath came in pants, the extreme increase in temperature of the room making it hard for him to concentrate properly.

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