Chapter 9: Sparks

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Previously on Superflash: Far From Home

"You thinking what I'm thinking?"

Cisco nodded his head in agreement as he set down the drinks on the floor, peeking out from behind the plant to see the couple laughing and holding hands across the table without even realizing what they were doing. Mind made up, Cisco gazed back at Caitlin with the same determination reflected in Caitlin's in setting their friends up together.

"Oh yeah, big time. Operation Karry is a go."


Barry and Kara stole glances at each other as Caitlin made her way towards the bathroom, blush prominent on both their cheeks as they realized that they have been caught staring at each other whenever their gaze would accidentally meet.

Twirling a strand of hair with her index finger, Kara looked away from Barry in an attempt to calm her racing heart and her heated cheeks. She briefly saw Cisco making his way towards them for a moment before he was abruptly swept into the crowd. Kara blinked twice to make sure she didn't just see Cisco vanish all of a sudden. Had he tripped and fallen over or had he not been there at all? Kara didn't know whether to be concerned about his sudden disappearance or relieved to finally have some alone time with Barry.

"So... you have a sister?"

Kara jumped slightly, startled by Barry's voice as she broke away from her thoughts while bumping her right knee on the underside of the table in the process. Rubbing her wounded knee, she turned around to face him, only to find Barry biting his lip as his eyes danced with laughter when he took in her reaction. Kara extended her bottom lip out in a pout which had Barry breaking out in giggles, soon followed by her own melodious ones.

When their laughter subsided, their postures relaxed as the awkward tension they felt earlier at being left alone together, vanished completely as a pleasant atmosphere took place. Kara and Barry started to share anecdotes about their overprotective sisters, laughing at some of the stories being shared by the other as their hands slowly and unintentionally gravitated towards each other until they were clasped in a gentle hold that neither seemed to notice, too absorbed in the other as they got to know each other a bit better.

"-and then she banged the door open, tackled him to the floor, punched him in the face, broke his nose and threatened to make it impossible for him to have any kids in the near future unless he gave her a really good reason when she found him dancing with another woman while he was supposed to be my date for the event."

Barry's face was a mixture of horror and amusement as Kara told him stories about her protective sister than made Iris seem like an harmless kitten, which in reality was actually saying something because god, when she gets angry, she gets ANGRY, as Barry found out the hard way as a child.

It was only when the microphone made a loud ringing noise from its place on the stage did the two couple stop talking, wincing as the noise rattled their eardrums. Turning towards the stage, they were met with the sight of a man in his late twenties with similar glasses as Kara had, smiling sheepishly at the audience. As the man cleared his throat and muttered an apology, fighting off the blush on his cheeks, Caitlin and Cisco finally came back and took their respective seats. Kara squinted as she tried to get a better look on the stage as his appearance struck a chord of familiarity within her, but no matter how much she tried, she couldn't place the name to the face.

"As you all know, every few weeks we host a karaoke challenge in which we select two random people from the audience to perform in front of the crowd. The song in which the pair sing is decided by the raffle in which all of those whom entered the bar had written down a song and are contained in this box over here."

The man on the stage gestured to the box resting beside him in a black stand before continuing his announcement. Kara tilted her head towards Caitlin, who was observing the man on the stage while sipping her drink as he continued to talk.

"...if the pair don't know the song picked, they are allowed to pick again until they have picked a song they both know..."

"What took you so long?" Kara whispered to Caitlin, she shot Barry a smile when he turned to look at her, who smiled back in response before turning his attention back towards the man on the stage.

"No one is allowed to choose another song simply because they don't like it. If you know it, you sing it!"

"Long line in the ladies room." Caitlin whispered back as she kept her eyes on the man who was currently signalling the DJ to start the spotlight for the selection of the two lucky people who would be performing that night.

Kara was about to respond back to Caitlin, having lost complete interest in what the man on the stage was taking about, when suddenly she felt her body bathed in light. Looking around she saw that everyone's gaze fixated on her. Gazing down at herself she found out that she was indeed in the spotlight, in the center of everybody's attention. Eyes widening in horror, Kara turned to look at Caitlin and Cisco who were trying to muffle their laughter with the palm of their hands, staring with eyes filled with glee as they glanced back and forth between her and another person. Following their glances, her eyes stopped short on her supposedly singing partner, jaw dropping to the ground as she gazed at her partner in surprise.

Blinking to make sure she wasn't hallucinating, she stared at her partner's face, which mirrored her own expression of surprise, and couldn't control the blush that heated up her cheeks. For sitting there staring at her with his hand extended and a shy smile on his lips as the shock slowly melted away was none other than the man she had come to taken a liking to in the short period of time she landed on his earth. Grasping his outstretched hand Kara felt goosebumps rise on her arms as she felt sparks ignite when his fingers automatically intertwined with hers as they made their way towards the stage.

Rao help her, her partner is  none other than Barry Allen. 


Word Count: 1096

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