Chapter 3: The Flash

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Previously on Superflash: Far From Home 

Kara's eyes narrowed further at Barry for an explanation, who was looking at her with wide eyes. Kara tapped her fingers impatiently against the side of the bed, waiting for him to speak, to tell her how he caught her before she hit the ground, because there is just no way he would've been able to be fast enough to catch her from where he had been standing previously. He had been standing few feet from the bed, on the opposite side of the bed, from where she had been standing.

So how the hell did he catch her in time?


Barry gave a nervous laugh and scratched the back of his neck as he tried to come up with a believable excuse. Mentally he was berating himself for being so reckless and careless with his superspeed. He should have known better than to cover at least a twenty second distance in less than a second, therefore effectively revealing his superpower to a woman he just met.

But what was he supposed to do? Watch her hit the floor? He could not just stand there and watch her fall and further injure herself when he could've done something about it. That's just not who he is, he does after all have the heart of a hero. But now, she had seen him. Well, not really seen him since he runs so fast that it is not detectable to the naked human eye, but she had noticed his sudden appearance in front her while he had been standing a few good feet away from her on the opposite end of the bed. How was he supposed explain that without giving himself away?

Just play dumb. Pretend you don't know what she's talking about, he internally told himself. Right now it's the only thing that he can really do to escape the current situation he found himself in.

"W-what, are you talking about? H-how did I do what?"

Kara's eyes narrowed even further as Cisco pinched the bridge of his nose at the poor attempt of a lie while Caitlin smacked her hand to her forehead (she seemed to be doing a lot lately). Barry inwardly grimaced at the stutter as his voice trailed up a pitch towards the end, while outwardly trying to maintain a straight face and failing badly.

Kara placed her hands at her hips, while silently staring at him, trying to break the information out of him. After a few moments of him not budging, she pointed to the spot he previously was before pointing to where he was standing now, all the while maintaining eye contact with him.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about."

Silence followed after her statement as Barry and Kara had a stare off, a silent battle of wills. Finally, Barry sighed and left with a trail of orange lightning, returning back into the room and placing an ice cream cone in her hand within a blink of an eye. Kara stared wide-eyed at her ice cream before looking back up at him in awe and wonder. He heard Cisco muttering about the unfairness of not getting an ice cream while Caitlin slightly cursed under her breath. Choosing to ignore his two friends, he focused his attention on Kara who was happily eating her ice cream with a cute smile on her face.

"So I was struck by lightning the night the particle accelerator exploded, and I became the fastest man alive, the Flash."

"The who now?"

Kara stared at him with an adorable face that made him want to reach out a squish her cheeks together. He laughed at her confused expression slightly before pulling his cowl up and pointing to the symbol on the middle of his chest.

"I'm the Flash, Central City's protector."

Kara's eyes lit up as she scanned him up, as he had transformed into his alter ego, with interest. Quickly finishing her ice cream cone, she clasped her hands together and leaned forward on the bed with wide eyes to get a closer look at him.

"You mean like a superhero?"

Barry grinned at the excited tone of her voice as she stared at him in child-like wonder. Wanting to impress her, he ran a few laps around the room as orange lighting followed behind, silently laughing as everyone's hair whipped side to side, before stopping in front of her again.


Cisco cursed under his breath and shot Barry a glare as he tried to tame his hair. Caitlin was combing her fingers through her hair and Kara, Kara was looking at him with glee. Her hair was messy but she didn't seem to care at the moment, as all he attention was solely directed at him.

"That's so cool!"

A beep from on of the computers in the cortex, interrupted Barry's response. Cisco and Barry rushed to the control room while Caitlin stayed with Kara, who was looking questioningly at Caitlin as to why the boys suddenly left in a hurry.

"Metahuman alert." Caitlin simply answered her unasked question.

Kara nodded her head. These metahumans must be their version of alien villains on this earth. This Earth! Kara's eyes widened in realization as she once again tried to get out of her bed. She had to get home soon, especially since she did not know the state her city was in. Villains have these annoying tendencies to take advantage of an hero's absence to wreck havoc, and considering the only superheroes on her earth to stop them are her and her cousin (with the exception of this weird bat guy down in Gotham that her cousin works with sometimes) there was no one there to protect the citizens! 

Caitlin immediately started to fuss around Kara, trying to make her stay in bed, but Kara was having none of it. Her earth could be in danger, it could be attacked by an army of aliens right now and she wouldn't know about it. Finally, Caitlin was able to pin Kara down by her arms on the bed as Kara struggled uselessly in vain to get up.

"Kara please, you're putting too much strain in your body right now. I know you're confused and scared because this is a foreign world to you and you want to get up and go home, but please just trust me when I say that the only way you can go home, is if you rest. Your body is in no condition to be up and about yet, and you struggling right now only makes it worse, so just please rest."

Kara slowly stopped struggling under Caitlin's hold as she slightly deflated at the news. She knew Caitlin was right, she was in no stable condition, her stomach hurts like hell and she is starting to feel a little dizzy from the wound on her head. She dazedly watched as Caitlin prepared a needle to sedate her, watching silently as she injected the medicine into her blood stream. She could already feel the effects of the serum running through her blood, her eyes getting heavier as her body slowly relaxed as Kara sleepily stared up at Caitlin, who was monitoring her vitals.

"I just... Gotta..get.. Home..."

"I know Kara, I know. We'll get you home soon okay?"

Kara didn't answer as she had already fallen asleep before Caitlin could finish her sentence. Caitlin smiled sadly at Kara and started changing her bandages, reapplying the gauze to her head and her stomach before wrapping it tightly once again. She checked everything and went to leave when she noticed the band aid on her left hand starting to peel off a little. Furrowing her brows, Caitlin went to check out her hand, only to find that scratch on her hand almost completely gone. Thinking nothing of it since it was just a small scratch after all, Caitlin slowly pulled the band aid off of her skin, and threw it in a nearby trashcan. Closing the door behind her, Caitlin made her way to the main room in which she could hear Cisco talking to Barry on the com. He seemed distraught, calling onto Barry's name with urgency, hoping to hear an answer from his friend. Caitlin immediately made her way to Cisco's side and watched his vitals spike up on the computer screen. She cursed and abruptly grabbed the ear piece from Cisco, her concerned voice echoing throughout the lab.

"Barry? Barry, can you hear me?"

Barry's loud and heart breaking scream was the last thing they both heard from him before his com went dead.....

..and with it, his heart. 


Dun, Dun, DUUUUUNNNNNNNN!!! What happened to Barry? Is he dead? Is he alive? No one knows... wellllll except for me that is. I guess you just have to wait and see to find out.... I'm gonna run now. See ya guys in the next chapter! Celestial Dragon out.

Word Count: 1445

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