Man Down

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"The Hunters are safe," Justin reported, making Vasheronne, Luke and Theodore sigh.

The vehicles were heading south to an airbase where they could fly to Gardenia.

"How did all this happen?"

"Ashish had his men follow you," Theodore pointed at the car that had Justin and Rajab. Luke rolled his eyes.

"I don't think he knew. No one knew we were there."

"Yeah whatever," Luke said angrily. "I don't believe it."

"Vasheronne is right. Only Justin knew where we were. And Prince Rajab and his guards. However, the rebels... how they knew... doesn't make sense."

"You think we have a mole?" Luke raised an eyebrow. "Well, that's new!"

"Luke, think about it! No one can make it that fast through the Fringe. It is confusing and everything looks the same." Vasheronne knew that they had been compromised.

"We have an insider," Theodore nodded. "And I think I know who it is!"




"They are coming!"

"Good," Ashish called as he looked down at the jungle path. "Very good!"

The 3 vehicles then sped up the h hill towards them, taking their owners towards certain death.

"NOW!" Ashish gave the order and the bomb exploded, making the first car break hard, but because it was speeding, it just about ended up in the fire. The occupants rolled out of the car as it went up in flames. The second and third vehicles stopped just as Ashish's men opened fire at them.

He could hear screams for help as some people fell to their death. The cars started to drive away, making Ashish angry.

Then he spotted him.

Oh no!




"You mean to tell me it did not work?!" Naimah screamed down the line. "How?"

"One of the operatives from the FBI was there. He is a double agent of ours. He was PROTECTING them!"

"Who is he?!"

"Zayn Malik."




Siva gazed at his watch. Twenty minutes late... this was a first.

He knew his brother knew about Ashish sneaking into MossDale. He had warned him the night before.

He had heard about Ashish's attack and he was hoping he had survived. Malik had never been late for anything.

The sounds of two engines reached him just then, and he looked up to see two SUVs pull up. They looked scratched.

They got shot?!

Luckily for them, the vehicles' bodies were bulletproof. Siva had insisted on bullet-proof vehicles to ferry the party from the Crescent's Fringes.

They ground to a stop and a blonde-haired land jumped out. Siva recognized him immediately.


They hugged briefly, before the rest joined them. Siva's eyes immediately went to Vasheronne. He tried to fight the longing he felt just from looking at her.

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