The next morning

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March 2nd, 2015 - Present day

I woke up slowly, the light streaming through the crack in the bedroom curtains blinding me. I look around the room at the 5SOS crew, huddled on two pushed-together, king-sized beds. I finally look down to find Mikey's head in my cleavage.

How'd he get there?! I'm pretty sure when we finally went to sleep, your head was on his chest!

There was a thud to my right and I suddenly feel very cold. I look over to see that Hannah and Luke had fallen out of bed and were now playing twister without a matt, whispering to each other to try and untangle themselves from the bedsheets. I turn over to watch this blob take form, giggling to myself. I don't want to wake up anyone.

"Luke, you need to move your leg a little, so then we can stand up."

"Which leg? I've got two."

"Yes, and they're both casually kicking me in the face. Move your right arm up, we're almost out! ... Luke, what are you doing?"

"I'm holding onto your shoulder. Why?"

"Because that's not my shoulder..."

Luke makes a horrifying yelping sound, then there's another, even louder thud as he falls over and brings her down with him.

I'm shaking with laughter at how adorable they are, I mean, even though something like this happens every day, you can never get over the cuteness. I feel someone's lips on my neck and a hand comes around me to squeeze my boob. "Get that vest off. When I'm fully awake, I'll do things that'll blow your mind. Just... gimme an hour..."

"Godammit Luke!" Ash is propping himself up so he can see what's happening down in the slim crack between the bed and the wall. "You look like you're having an orgy!" Hannah's head pops out of the covers right at that moment, the timing couldn't have been better.

She looks at me, uncovered and only in a vest and pants, with a wicked smile. "How about it, Ellie? Fancy an orgy?" I feel Mikey tense up behind me at the word 'orgy' and I can't help but have a little chuckle to myself. I wink at her just before Luke's head pops up like a daisy.

"Well, if you're up for it, I don't see why not..." I turn around and give a shocked Mikey a tender kiss. I open my eyes and tilt my head so I can see everyone else's reaction. Ash was jokingly covering Ellie's eyes, saying, "What they're doing is too mature for your pure eyes!" Calum has just woken up and is slightly startled by the sight of Hannah trying to kiss Luke but he keeps running away.


 She gets up off the floor and pounces on Luke, who climbs back onto the bed and straightened out the bed covers. We all exclaim at this act of sexual frustration, something that wasn't Hannah at all, until she rolls off of him, laughing.

It was a joke. She was just joking. Phew!

"It was all a joke? Aww..." I smile at the frustrated Michael, then reach over and bundle Hannah into a bear hug. "Happy birthday, spudder!"

"How could I forget!?" Ellie exclaims, jumping up and tackling Hannah to the bed. "I've got your presents in the other room. Anna, come help me with them!" Anna nods eagerly and sprints from the room with Ellie, Ash, and Calum close behind. I look over to a smiling Hannah and poke her in the cheek. "Go open your presents. I need to get myself decent but once I'm done, I'll cook a big breakfast for us all, okay?" Hannah nods at me, beaming.

Well, it's her birthday after all. She always was a happy soul.

Luke hugs Hannah from behind but stops when she takes out a present from the side cabinet drawer and hands it to him. "Happy anniversary! You don't have to open it now if you don't want to..." Luke smiles down at the present, then places it back down on the cabinet. "Today's your special day, so I'll open it tomorrow."

With a small nod, Hannah goes to leave the room, but stops at the door, looking back at Luke. "I've got another present for you but it's bigger and you need to come with me so I can show you." Luke looks at us quizzically but leaves anyway.

He'd follow her 'til the end. It's sweet and mushy...

I lie back down and close my eyes, wanting to chill for just a couple more minutes.

"Guess what?" I don't even bother to open my eyes as I stare at the inside of my eyelids. "What?"

"We met for the first time tomorrow and tomorrow was our first kiss, we slept together for the first time and tomorrow was the day you gave me my first 'Ellie boner'." I sat bolt upright and held him close, tears almost dropping from my eyes. This was such a sweet and tender moment between us and-

"'Ellie boner'! You just had to ruin the moment, didn't you?! You twat..." I shake my head but kiss him anyway. When I pull away, I nestle into the crook of his neck and whisper, "I love you." Michael kisses me on the forehead, then whispers back, "I love you too, and I don't even want to imagine life without you. I just couldn't deal with it..."

I hold him tight to me because I could feel him stiffen against me, a sure sign he was about to cry. "I will always be here, by your side, so you don't need to worry about that. Come on, get up! I'll make you pancakes."


The story's over! :'( I had so much fun writing this and I hope you did reading it.

Sorry about the song, it's my favourite of their's at the moment but they wouldn't let me upload a lyric video so we could sing along together :-\

I hope to see you in my other stories but if you don't, it's okay, because I met you here! :-D

Love you all and hope you've had a good day.

Randomer in chief, Ellie xxx

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