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Ryuji, who woke up having an extreme headache. Have the strength to open her eyes.

It was dark, only four lights can be seen, each dangling in the corner.

Ryuji try to stand up, only finding her arms locked up in a chain. She tried to escape but there's no luck of her trying.

"Yah assholes!" She screamed at the top of her lungs ignoring the headache she have.

"You woke up early my dear." A voice said in the other side of the room, Ryuji didn't see his or her face despite the fact the he or she is hiding at the dark.

"Are out of you mind? Huh! Let me go you asshole!" Ryuji whose trying her best to get out.

The person hiding to the dark walked towards her, crouching down to level her.


"It's me honey." He said and held her chin.

"Let me go!" She shout, making the boy hissed.

"Yah Lee Donghyuck let me go!" She screamed once more but the boy walked out of the big room, giving no fuck about the girl whose still screaming her lungs out.

Ryuji on the other hand stopped screaming, "Let me go." she said one more time but softly whispering, hands on her face, crying.

The sound of the doors creeking made her look up, tears stained in her face.

The man walked up to her slowly.


The man crouch down to the girl whose still crying, not giving him a response, only looking at him.

"Ryuji-ah." He called again, "J-jaemin." she finally answered, "Let me go,"
"p-please." Ryuji said, begging him.

"I can't." the boy said to her, "I can't set you free, I want to but I can't." Jaemin added standing up, leaving the girl crying.

"Help me." Ryuji said one last time and let her head rest to the wall, breathing heavily.

Hours passed and nobody came to the dark room, well I guess she'll die here.

The door then opened, Ryuji weakly turned her head to the guy whose at the door.

"Here." Donghyuck walked to the girl and gave her some food to eat, seriously while Ryujin's hands are in chain.

"Who are you for exactly." Ryuji asked weakly, "Honey I'm Lee Donghyuck, an innocent boy, you'll know me more day by day Ryuji."

"Hyuck." the light blue haired boy said to Donghyuck who was closing the door, leaving Ryuji again.

"Jae, just call me Haechan." Donghyuck said, "I'll prefer Hyuck." Jaemin snorted, "Suit yourself, so?"

"Are you just really locking her up in that dark room?" Jaemin said, looking at the door.

"Jae, I'll let her out when she know why I locked her up." Donghyuck said "Really Hyuck, that will take like forever for her to know." Jaemin whose looking at Donghyuck blankly.

"Hyungs, can I?" Chenle, who walked over to them asked if he can go to the room where Ryuji was in.

"Tell the other we're all going in." Donghyuck said to the boy whose about to open the door.

"But hyung-"


Chenle who knows what will happened if Donghyuck will be pissed, go look for the others.

"Yah Jisung, Renjun, Jeno hyung!" Chenle shout, roaring through the whole house.

"Hyuck just promise me you'll not let her stay there, alone."

"Ofcourse not." Donghyuck said to the boy, later on they heard footsteps.

"So?" Jeno asked Donghyuck, raising one of his brows, Donghyuck who didn't say anything opened the door.

"Are we going to follow him?" Renjun asked Jaemin whose about to follow Donghyuck, "Yeah, come on." Jaemin said and gestured them to follow him and Donghyuck.

The four boys followed behind Donghyuck and Jaemin.

"Yah, you crazy assholes let me go!" The girl said whose now have the energy to shout again at the top of her lungs.

"Well I didn't expect that she can be a bitch too." Jeno said to Jisung whose at his right side, Jisung who nodded as a response.

"We'll let you go, don't worry." Jaemin whose talking to the girl, smiling while the girl just glared at him.

"What do you want from me? Huh!" Ryuji whose now talking with a hint of anger in her tone.

All of the boys then glanced at Donghyuck whose staring at the girl deeply at the eyes.

"We'll have fun, honey." Donghyuck said to the girl.


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