t w e n t y - s i x

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"So what-"
"We hot, we young."
"Chenle, my child-"

"Okay so, let's plan."
Jeno said, plopping himself on the couch. Ryuji scoffed, crossing her arms. "Someone's in a mood." Jaemin said. "Who wouldn't, if someone always cut your sentences." She said.

Then in a flash, she quickly took the ice cream infront of her. "Thank you." She said happily, looking at Donghyuck.

"Alright, two parties so we need to split to two groups." Donghyuck said, plopping next to Ryuji.

"Jisung, Chenle, Renjun and Jeno- you'll go to Hyorin's party."
"That Hyobitch?" Chenle said, "Yes that bitch." Ryuji said.

"Me, Jaemin, Ryuji will go to that Yugyeom guy's party." Donghyuck said,
"Isn't it unfair that were only three and the other has four members." Jaemin said.

Ryuji looked at Donghyuck, nodding "I agree with him though." She said, putting down the empty cup, that was filled with ice cream earlier.i

"Then let's asked Mark hyung to be with us then, simple."

Donghyuck said which made all the boys look at him with pure happiness, for the first time in a while, their Mark hyung will join them again.

Ever since he had been promoted to an elite group, they never seen him nor hang out with him.

"Both groups will go to the computer thing that was mentioned, Jaemin, you're incharge of that here and Jisung is incharge of that in their team." Donghyuck explain.

"Then the Mark hyung will be with you, and Jeno will be with you Jisung." He said as he point at the given name.

"The rest of us will be walking or looking around if something is suspicious."

"Alright that's all, let's inform each other in the earpiece." He said last, before the others nodded, leaving one by one, retreating to their room.

Leaving Ryuji and Donghyuck alone in the living room. The awkward silent was overcoming them.


"You go first."
"You go first- oh okay, about um." Ryuji started, fidgeting her fingers. Debating if it's okay to asked him this.

"Are you always focused when, you're fighting something." She stated finally looking at Donghyuck's eyes.

"Your eyes said so."
"They must know their limits." Donghyuck said, gently grabbing Ryuji's hand, rubbing circles on it.

"You can always tell me everything, I'm your friend." She said, everyword rang in Donghyuck's mind. Friend.

That's the problem, she treats all people around her a friend, except her parents though.

He hates it, he hates it very much.

Donghyuck frowned and stood up, retreating back to his room, Ryuji looked at his walking figure. Dumbfounded.

She scrunched her nose and head to one of the rooms' upstairs. She know she need to talk about her feelings to someone.

And she got the perfect person in her mind that can help her out to sort things out.

— ✿ •••••••••• ❀ •••••••••• ✿ —

I was supposed to update/publish this yesterday.

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