⚡️ special chapter 1

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"Donghyuck, where are we going?"
"Orphanage, we're visiting the kids, the one we saved." Donghyuck said as he smiled at his girlfriend.

"Oh wow." Ryuji said as she also smiled back at the boy. Donghyuck parked the car.

Donghyuck open the door for Ryuji and reach out his hand for her which she accepted it.

Walking, holding each others' hand, they both entered the orphanage and was greeted by one of the care taker.

"Hi, welcome!" The care taker said as she smiled at the two. "Hi." Ryuji said as she flashed a smile at the woman.

"Say, I remember you, you're Donghyuck right? The boy who always visit here?" The woman asked as Donghyuck nodded.

"You must be visiting again. You have a beautiful girl, eh." The woman said as she smiled sweetly at the two.

"Come, the children would be happy tos see you." The woman said, "May I asked what is your name?" Ryuji asked.

"I'm Mrs. Kang, my dear." Mrs. Kang said as Ryuji nod and smile.

"Now, now, children we have some guests." Mrs. Kang said as she clapped to get the children attention.

"Hyuckie!" A little girl said as she hugged his legs.
"Maya, meet Ryuji, Ryuji meet Maya." Donghyuck introduced.

"Hello, Maya." Ryuji said as she pat the girl's head, "How old are you." Ryuji asked as she picked Maya up.

Maya then showed three fingers indicating that she's three years old, "Cutie." Ryuji mumbled as she connected their foreheads.

Ryuji then put Maya down as she run back to her playmates.
She sat on the wooden floor, admiring Donghyuck who was playing with the children.

Just then, a little boy held her fingers. "Are you Hyuckie's girlfriend?" The boy asked as Ryuji nodded.

"He blabbered you always when he comes here." The little boy said, "I'm Hyunwo! What's your name?" "Ryuji, I'm Ryuji." As Hyunwo nodded.

"Can you play with me?" Hyunwo asked, "Of course!" Ryuji said as she stood up and Hyunwo dragged her to the others.

"Let's play! Tag you're it!" Hyunwo said as he touched Ryuji's arms, Ryuji scoffed but started running.

"I'm sorry!" Ryuji said as her hands touched Donghyuck who was looking at her for the betrayal.

"Oh, it's on!"

Donghyuck then tagged Maya who came running back at him. "Hyuckie's funny!" Maya said as she giggled out, until she tagged Donghyuck.

"Even kids beat me up to this." Donghyuck said as he poked the insides of his cheeks.

He looked up to his side and saw Ryuji, pointing at him while whispering to Hyunwo.

Hyunwo then sticked his tongue out as Donghyuck rolled her eyes playfully.

He then started running to Ryuji's direction who seemed to be shocked by the movement, she gesture Hyunwo to run as she was also running away.

Ryuji looked at her back and there was no sign of Donghyuck, she averted her gaze infront of her and saw Donghyuck.

"Shit!" Ryuji said as she stumbled back on the floor, "Okay you kids didn't meant to hear that." Ryuji said as she said sorry to the children.

"Don't scare me like that."
"How you like that bitch!" Donghyuck said to her ears as she managed to laugh at the statement.

"Donghyuck there some kids." Ryuji said as she pinched Donghyuck's ears, "What does bitch and shit means?" A little girl whispered at the boy next to her, only to give her a shrugged.

" Ryuji said as she pinched Donghyuck's ears, "What does bitch and shit means?" A little girl whispered at the boy next to her, only to give her a shrugged

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"Thank you for visiting, we hope to see you again soon." Mrs. Kang said as she smiled, "Thank you Mrs. Kang, we'll see you guys soon." Ryuji said as she bowed at her.

The children then waved goodbye to the two as they sat on the car.

"Before we go home, there's something I want to go first." Donghyuck said as he started the car and drove off.

Minutes pass, the had stopped. As same, Donghyuck opened the door for Ryuji.

There they were greeted by the beautiful scenery of the sun set.
The clouds were in a mixed of orange, yellow, red, even a tinted of violet can be seen.

There, the two stood up as they held each other's hand, admiring the view.

Donghyuck then turned his head towards Ryuji, rubbing his thumbs smoothly at Ryuji's hand, getting her attention.

"Hm?" Ryuji asked as she looked back at Donghyuck.

"I love you."

At that moment the sun was now infront of them, their skin glowing at the light infront of them.

Ryuji placed her hands on Donghyuck's cheeks, as she stared at Donghyuck's dark orbs.
Ryuji smiled at the boy, who send butterflies to his stomach.

"I love you too."

To beautiful to ruin, a gunshot was heard, the two couples become alert as Donghyuck immediately dragged his girl to the car.

As soon at they were on the road, their car was shot at the back, Ryuji peeked her head out of the car's window.

There, three cars were behind them, each template has a word-


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Oh damn
seventeen be hot with that mafia stuff🤩

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