t h r e e

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Donghyuck whose now glaring at the girl, took something out of his pockets.

A gun.

Donghyuck then pointed the gun up and fired it, leaving a little hole at the ceiling.

Ryuji whose now terrified started to shake. "Haechan hyung, your scaring her." Chenle said to the boy whose still staring at Ryuji.

"She'll get used to the sound of the gunshots anyway." Donghyuck said and put his gun back to his pockets.

"By the way were a gang noona, well we're basically the good guys but sometimes we're the bad guys and the reason why you're captured is that
Hae-" "Shut up Chenle." Donghyuck said to the boy while glaring at him.

Ryuji on the otherhand was just frozen, doesn't know what to say, "Don't worry Y/n you'll be out here, soon." Jeno said to the girl showing his eye smile.

Why the hell do they look innocent?
Ryuji thought to herself, "Were not that innocent." Jisung said to her.

Ryuji looked at him confused, how does he know? Ryuji thought to herself again.

"Um we can hear you." Renjun said to the girl, "Didn't you notice that your talking?" Renjun said to Ryuji.

"Sucks to be you Ryuji." Renjun said to Ryuji whose now glaring at him, "Ok, I don't care." Ryuji said back at him while rolling her eyes.

"A fierce one, nice Haechan." Jeno said to Donghyuck, whose still have his gaze at Ryuji.

Soon enough they hear the door crashing or smashing it loudly, "Here they are again, just tell me how the hell did they pass through our door." Renjun said pulling his gun out, same as the others.

"Chenle, stay here with Ryuji." Donghyuck, looking at the boy then walked away, others following behind him.

"Can you tell me what's happening?" Ryuji asked the boy who sat next to her.

"So as of you know we're a gang right, and we have enemies, and that group downstairs is called The Boyz, we are Nct Dream, our other member whose now an adult is on an another gang called Nct 127, and yes we and them are the same but they much possibly like an elite gang or something, Donghyuck was also a part of Nct 127 but he always stay with us, don't know why and lastly there's a reason why we captured you, that's all."

"Why do they always barged into your home?" Ryuji asked, "Probably to start a fight well a good thing is that they didn't know that we captured you or you'll be with them, you don't need to be afraid of us Ryuji, we're just like you but mainly why we're here is that Taeyong hyung and other 127 members got into a huge fight with this gang, now they also want to fight us."

Chenle who just shrugged and sigh heavily, "you'll be trained tomorrow Ryuji." Chenle said standing up and walked to the door.

Trained? For what?

"Chen-" Ryuji whose about to asked what's the training for, saw that Chenle just left her, alone again.

"Training? For what exactly? Psh why can't they just let me go."

Ryuji feel sleepy, she didn't even know what time it is, well she let her sleepiness overcome her, resting her head at the wall, closing her eyes.

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