e i g h t e e n

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It's been two days since Ryuji have been kept away from them. At that two days they were planning, thinking strategies to get her.

Well they planned to bring the 127 gang, as a surprise and to help them.

The 127 gang will barge in, as a surprise that Taeyong and the others to be part of their gang, while the Dream will go look for Ryuji.

"So we're all set?" Mark asked, "Yes duh." Chenle said sarcastically.

"Good, we'll do that at 6 in the evening." Donghyuck said, "Well I wasn't expecting that early." Yuta said. "I know right." Jungwoo said in a small voice.

" Jungwoo said in a small voice

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"Wah, black on black." Yuta sang, "Okay stop, let's go." Taeil said and dragged Winwin with him.

"All set?" Doyoung asked, "I'm supposed to be driving." Renjun said, crossing his arms. "We'll I'm here so took a seat child." He said.

"Johnny hyung drove the other van kiddo." He added, "I know!" Renjun said and sat on the passenger seat.

"So we just barged in like they used to us?" Chenle asked for the tenth time, "Oh gosh, yes!" Jisung said glaring at the boy. "What? I'm just making sure!"

"Alright then, let's go."

"You know right?" Kevin asked, "Yeah I know." Ryuji said, whose on the floor handcuffed and both foot tied.

"How?- Ah they told you right?" Kevin snapped his fingers then pointing at her, "It's bad pointing at people, you know." She said while Kevin laugh awkwardly and showed his hands to his pockets.

"You get me to show me to my parents right? To show that you strong enough or recognize, right?"

"More likely to work for them."

"Then if that so why the hell do you want me? Or why you guys-"

"Um to keep you safe and to help your parents?" Kevin said, and Ryuji mentally face palmed herself.

"Well my times up to keep you company, we'll see each other next time." Kevin said and walked to the door.

More likely Ryuji would wait for the other person to watch over her, but this time it was unusual. Hyun Jae who was suppose to be their was no where to be found.

Instead she heard gunshots.
Do they also had enemies? She question herself but shrugged it off, resting her head to the wall.

Ten more minutes of waiting she heard the door creeking. She shot up and look at the door. Seeing six guys standing.

"Noona, we're here." Chenle whisper shout and Donghyuck quickly walked up to her, taking off the handcuffs and the rope that was hugging her legs.

"Idiots help me take this off." Donghyuck said making the others come to their senses.

Once they finished untying her, Donghyuck hugged her, letting the girl off guard.

"I'm sorry-"

"You're not the only one idiot." Renjun said crossing his arms, rolling his eyes.

"We're sorry to keep you waiting." Donghyuck said and pulled her up to stand.

"Oh, sorry to keep you all waiting too."

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