t w e n t y - e i g h t

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"Oh shoot!"
"Drama, it's a drama."
"Oh man, holy sh-"
"What drama are we watching?"

Ryuji's eyes widened and pushed him, she stood, feeling embarrassed while all of the Dreamies were watching.

"Excuse me." She said walking away, wherever her feet dragged her, "Well that's awkward and shit." Renjun said.

Jaemin sighed and was about to follow Ryuji, but Jeno stopped him, shaking his head as he averted his gaze at a certain person.

Seeing Donghyuck following Ryuji, "Let them be, Jaemin."

"Hey." Donghyuck said as he stood next to her at the veranda, Ryuji hummed, "Did you know that was my first?" She said looking at the sky while caressing the necklace Jaemin gave.

"Isn't that Jaemin?" Donghyuck asked looking at the necklace and back at her. "Yeah." She said softly, "Why do you have it." "He gave it to me, to keep it safe." She said.

"I'll get going first." She said and about to left but Donghyuck grabbed her wrist, making her turn back, bumping to his chest.

Looking deep to her eyes, he leaned closer, placing his lips on her once again. Ryuji stood there dumbfounded, eyes widened at the sudden action.

Five seconds later Donghyuck pulled away, seeing a very frozen flustered Ryuji on his sight, he chuckled.

"You look cute babe."

He said before tucking some strands of hair behind her ear, it made Ryuji look redder like a tomato.

He chuckled once again, "I'll see you at dinner." He said softly before walking leaving a once again dumbfounded Ryuji.

"The last time I check, he not my man?" She said slumping herself at the chair.

— ✿ •••••••••• ❀ •••••••••• ✿ —

A pretty crap chapter tbh if you asked me.

Now I'm sorry for not updating
school works really frustrates me(I mean who doesn't) that I accidentally broke two of our glass cups, lmao.

But hey!
That won't let me stop from writing new chapters.
Okay, that doesn't make sense.

Imma shut up now. bye

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