t h i r t y - t h r e e

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"Ryiji? How are you?" Jaemin asked the girl who was on her bed, "M- I mean Mark!" Mica said, she almost blew the whole cover.

"Mark? What Mark's gonna do with this?" Jaemin asked the girl whose trying hard not to sweat, burst into anger.

"Nothing, I just remembered him." lies. "Oh okay, now answer the question." Jaemin said crossing his arms.

"Do you love Donghyuck-"
"Yes- No!" Mica shout as she accidentally said yes?

Tch, Ryuji might love that Donghyuck guy, but Hyorin loves him too. If she doesn't work for Hyorin's parents then she would snap the hell out of the girl to confess.

"I don't know!" Mica said, rolling her eyes secretly at the boy whose beside her.

"Can I asked a question?" Jaemin asked, "You're asking now idiot." Mica said, "Why do you have a tattoo suddenly?" shit.

"Yeah um, my dad gave me permission, the last months before the accident." Mica said trying her bed not to stutter.

"And what does g7 means?"
"It means u-uh, it means us Dream. Yes!" Mica said mixing her words. Jaemin nod "Last one."

"Does people voices changed after an accident."

Well shit happens, "What do you mean?"
"Your voice, it becomes different, but your face stay the same."

"Jaem, I don't know what your talking about, I'll go to sleep." Mica said and neatly tucked in her hospital bed.

She being obvious. Ryuji would just slump herself to bed, and sleep, her left or right cheeks mushed in her pillow while her blanket was messily scattered around her small body.
But this she just neatly tucked herself in her coma.

"You're acting wierd, wierded than you lover, Ji."

"Yeah, no."

"Update?" Mica said to the little device that was hidden safe

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"Update?" Mica said to the little device that was hidden safe. "Yeah um, act like you love that haechan guy, try to be clumsy?" Mark (Tuan) said to the line. "You're making it obvious, try to hid the tattoo-"

"They already saw it." Mica answered, rolling her eyes. "Then try to cover your mole in your right upper lip with a foundation."

"I know that brother." Mica said, "Mark, I'll kill Ryuji's parents." Mica said, "Tsk, it'll be more fun when we're there." Jackson said at the line.

"I started the game, boys."
Mica said, looking at her reflection in the mirror, the 'doppelgänger' of Ryuji, itself.

"I gotta go. I'll talk to y'all tomorrow." Mica said not waiting for their responce and shut the device down and hid it.

"Thirty days, we'll get our revenge in that thirty days."

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